“Naturalcultural Encounters in Bali: Monkeys, Tourists, and Ethnoprimatology” Authored By: Agustin Fuentes Presented By: Mary Kate Rigney /05/steamy-tropical-paradise-of-bali.html&docid=0tbn74mij6wyNM&imgurl=
Agustin Fuentes Human-Behavior-Agustin- Fuentes/dp/
Primatology + Ethnography = ethnoprimatology
Social Ecology + Structural Ecology = Niche Construction
The Balinese
Sacred Monkey Forest of Padangtegal Ubud, Bali sights/_more1999/_more07/Indonesia-Bali- Ubud-Monkey-Forest-Pura-Dalem-ie-Temple- of-The-Dead-1-MB.jpg.html
$ $ Economic Flow Chart
Population Boom
Agriculture In Bali
Epidemiology en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascaris
Works Cited Fuentes, Agustin. “Naturalcultural Encounters in Bali: Monkeys, Temples, Tourists, and Ethnoprimatology.” Cultural Anthropology. Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp American Anthropology Association