Contractions Contractions are two words combined to make one. Ideas from Learning Resources pamphlet. Juanita Lopez
Contractions: Most times, the first word is written and the second word is shortened using an apostrophe (’) However, There are some instances where this is not the case. For the word h hh he is, the contraction is he’s. The apostrophe takes the place of only one letter. For the word c cc can not, the contraction is c cc can’t. The apostrophe takes the places of two letters, n nn n and o oo o. For the word w ww will not, the contraction is w ww won’t. Change the i ii ill in w ww will to o oo o. remove the o oo o in n nn not add and apostrophe in the place of o oo o creating w ww won’t
Contractions with not can not c an’t did not d idn’t have not h aven’t was not w asn’t
Contractions with not is not i sn’t are not a ren’t do not d on’t could not c ouldn’t
Contractions with not would not w ouldn’t does not d oesn’t will not w on’t should not s houldn’t
Contractions with not has not h asn’t were notweren’t had nothadn’t
Contractions with is it is i t’s he is h e’s she is s he’s that is that’s
Contractions with have would have w ould’ve I have I ’ve should have s ss should’ve could have c ould’ve
Contractions with have they have t hey've we have w e’ve you have y ou’ve we have w e’ve
Contractions with had you had y ou’d I had I ’d they had t hey’d we had w e’d he had h e’d
Contractions with am/are I am I ’m they are t hey’re you are y ou’re we are w e're
Contractions with will we will w e’ll they will t hey’ll she will s he’ll he will h e’ll I will I ’ll
Contractions with will You will y ou’ll It will i t’ll that will t hat’ll who will w ho’ll