Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 9/5/2002 Partner Logo WP8 Status Stephen Burke, PPARC/RAL
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 What is WP8? u HEP applications workpackage u Link between experiment software and EDG middleware u Works with WP9 (Earth Observation) and WP10 (Biomedical) u Applications Technical Working Group (ATWG) is a forum to define application requirements for the EDG middleware: Loose Cannons + experiment reps + WP9 + WP10
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 Testing the Testbed u LCs have continued to be active in testing the functionality of the testbed u Automated test software under development, with publication of the results on the web u Ongoing feedback to middleware developers u Some application tests, but still limited because the job broker at CERN is unstable u Stability is our highest priority!
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 Current Problems u Job submission works, but has been unstable, with jobs failing for various reasons much of the time u It isnt yet fully defined how to set up an application environment (where to find compilers, experiment software etc) at each site, but this is improving u There are work-arounds for the initial problems with data storage, but the solutions are awkward and insecure u Documentation is improving but still not perfect!
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 Near Future u Release is still not stable, development has now stopped and applications will wait for 1.2 u Move to 1.2 in ~ 2 weeks subject to testing u Should have new functionality, particularly from WP2 (Replica Manager, new GDMP) which should make data access easier u Should also resolve problems with access to Castor u Hope to have a stable production testbed soon u Hope to see a rollout to more sites soon
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 Common Use Cases u ATWG is trying to define common needs of all applications, with the long-term aim of having a common software layer between the experiment software and the Grid middleware u Discussions held with the four LHC experiments to clarify their approaches and extract common themes u Various kinds of information: use cases, implementation/architecture ideas, requirements, scenarios, …
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 Common Use Cases (2) u Preliminary Common Use Case document produced u Some overlap with LCG, RTAG will produce an updated use case document, work will continue in WP8 u Working with computer scientists at Annecy to produce UML diagrams
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 UML Diagram
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 Administrivia u WP8 plenary on 14 th June at CERN (3 per year) u Application Technical Working Group (ATWG) has been meeting once a month, in future will alternate WP8-only and WP meetings to separate HEP- specific issues from general ones u Architecture Task Force has been re-activated, Jeff Templon (NIKHEF) is the WP8 representative
Stephen Burke - WP8 Status - 09/05/ /11 WP8 Technical Requirements u 1. Realistic Large-Scale Tests n Reliability! Need reliable dg- job-* command suite u 2. Data management n Reliability! Need reliable gdmp-* command suite, file- transfer commands u 3. Mass Storage Support n Working access to MSS (CASTOR and HPSS at CERN, Lyon) u 4. Lightweight User Interface n Put on a laptop or std. Desktop machine u 5. Portability n Demonstrable portability of middleware: a) use other resources, b) debugging u 6. Scratch Space n Job requests X amount of scratch space to be available during execution, system tells job where it is u 7. Output File Support n JDL support for output files: specify where output should go in JDL, not in job script