Abuse Relationships
Abuse in relationships: Comes in many different forms According to the CDC, domestic violence is a serious, preventable public health problem that affects more than 32 million Americans. This number only reflects the number of cases that are reported; it’s estimated that in the United States, as many as one third of domestic violence cases are never reported. More stats
Physical abuse When one person uses/threatens to use physical pain to intimidate another person Slaps, pushes, punching, hair pulling, etc. People can die from injuries
Verbal abuse When one person uses words and body language to criticize another person Put downs, name calling Not easily recognized as abuse, can go on for extended periods causing damage to victim’s self-esteem
Psychological abuse (mental/emotional abuse) Occurs when one person controls information available to another person to manipulate their sense of reality “Mess with their heads” to gain compliance of victim Hard to detect
Sexual abuse Unwanted sexual contact Molestation, incest, date rape Usually coupled with physical abuse
Neglect Occurs when a person fails to provide for the basic needs of dependent victims he or she is responsible for Usually children or elderly who can’t care for self
Hate crimes Abuse toward an individual or a group of because of race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity etc.
5-step cycle of abuse 1.Tension 2.Belittlement/put downs 3.Physical abuse 4.Remorse (saying sorry) 5.“Resolution” (making promises to change) Then it starts all over again
Another cycle Tension: Gets tense Explosion: Outburst and abuse- emotional, verbal, sexual/physical Honeymoon: Apologize, try to make up, shift the blame Another Cycle of Abuse
How to stop it before it starts Your body belongs to you only! Trust your responses Say “stop it” and mean it If you feel like a potential “victim” seek help Who can you seek help from? Parent Friend Teacher Counselor
How to avoid being an abuser Be aware of your own anger Respect someone else’s limits Seek help to understand yourself
Power & Control Wheel
Telling Amy’s Story There are only 3 possible outcomes in an abusive relationship: Either the batterer is going to STOP the abuse, or the victim is going to LEAVE that relationship, or someone is going to DIE. ▫–Detective Deirdri Fishel, State college Police Department Documentary about women being abused by husband, sheds light on domestic violence
The End
Reviving Ophelia Lifetime Movie about Dating Violence Look for healthy and unhealthy relationships Look for the cycle of abuse Look for power and control in relationships
“No one will tell” Movie about Dating Violence Look for healthy and unhealthy relationships Look for the cycle of abuse Look for power and control in relationships
Warning Signs What to look for in your relationships, and relationships your friends/family are in… _abuse_types_signs_causes_effects.htmhttp://helpguide.org/mental/domestic_violence _abuse_types_signs_causes_effects.htm
Songs Identify these things for each song ▫Healthy/Unhealthy relationship, why ▫What type of abuse present? 1. Goodbye, Earl by The Dixie Chicks ▫ ehttp:// e 2. Independence Day by Martina McBride ▫ _mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1http:// _mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 3. Concrete Angel, by Martina McBride ▫ mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1http:// mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1