The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a systematic murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler. Over one million Jewish children were killed in the Holocaust, as well as approximately two million Jewish women and three million Jewish men.
In the nazi camps the prisoners were obliged to wear fabric triangles on their uniforms, painted in different colours according to the category they belonged to be immediately identified. Jews wore a yellow triangle overlapped by the David Star.
Political prisoners : red triangles. Homosexuals : pink triangles. Commons criminals : green triangles. A-socials : black triangles. War prisoners : blue triangles. Communists – trade unionists : red triangles.
Black triangle, pink triangle, green triangle, red triangle, blue triangle, lilac triangle, And they wore the yellow triangle. When first they came for the criminals, I did not speak. Then they began to take the Jews, When they fetched the people who were members of trade unions, I did not speak. When they took the Bible students, Rounded up the homosexuals, Then they gathered up the immigrants and the gypsies, I did not speak. Eventually they came for me And there was no one left to speak.
The song talks about the importance of rebellion against war and abuse. When nobody defends everybody rights, nobody will defend your rights. That happens in the song. The man didn’t defend the rights of Jews, and communists, and at the end of the song, nobody defends the man’s right.
Holocaust is an event that should never happen. Man can become cruel with his brothers and this is a big fault that I can’t forgive. Cruelty and violence are never right or justifiable, and I can’t forgive a similar event.