IB English Language B Stem Cell Research - Speeches 21/10/2014
Developing writing skills: speeches Get in groups and line. Brainstorm as many things as possible that go into making a speech a good speech. 2 minutes
Developing writing skills: speeches Must consider the audience Are you trying to persuade them using rhetorical devices, entertain, inform or demonstrate? You need to connect with your audience. Use direct address ‘you’ Be careful with use of pronouns e.g. We will solve this together / We give you the choice. Use persuasive language. Think about the format.
Developing writing skills: speeches Thesis – You have a point of view that you wish to prove Cause and effect – You show that event A happened, so event B occurred. This results in C. Problem and solution – You state the problem is X and the solution is Y. Advantage and disadvantage – You examine the positive and negative aspects of an idea or event.
Developing writing skills: speeches Concluding: Summary of the key ideas. Restate your thesis or question Restate your key ideas from the speech End with a bang. Grab the attention! “The 21 st century awaits us. Let us confront it’s challenge with confidence, and together give our children the future they deserve”. Tony Blair
What are rhetorical devices?
Using rhetorical devices in speeches What are 4 types of rhetorical devices: Personal commitment or experience Statistics Rule of three Repetition
Using rhetorical devices in speeches
B a s i c s i n a B o x GUIDELINES & STANDARDS Persuasive Speech A successful persuasive speech should open with a clear statement of the issue and your opinion be geared to the audience you’re trying to persuade provide facts, examples, statistics, and reasons to support your opinion answer opposing views show clear reasoning include strategies such as frequent summaries to help listeners remember your message end with a strong restatement of your opinion or a call to action Content A successful presenter should convey enthusiasm and confidence stand with good, but relaxed, posture and make eye contact with the audience include gestures and body language to enhance the presentation incorporate visual aids effectively Delivery
Homework Using your group notes, write a speech for or against.