Ganga Status and Outlook K. Harrison (University of Cambridge) 16th GridPP Meeting Queen Mary, University of London, 27th-29th June
28 June 20062/17 People/groups behind Ganga Ganga is an ATLAS/LHCb joint project to develop a Grid user interface Current core team: –F.Brochu (Cambridge), U.Egede (Imperial), J.Elmsheuser (München), K.Harrison (Cambridge), H.C.Lee (ASCC), D.Liko (CERN), A.Maier (CERN), J.T.Moscicki (CERN), A.Muraru (Bucharest), A.Soroko (Oxford), C.L.Tan (Birmingham) Strong support from UK (PPARC/GridPP) and EU (EGEE/ARDA) Contributions past and present from many others
28 June 20063/17 LHCb applications ATLAS applications Other applications Applications Experiment-specific workload-management systems Local batch systemsDistributed (Grid) systems Processing systems (backends) Metadata catalogues Data storage and retrieval File catalogues Tools for data management Local repository Remote repository Ganga job archives Ganga monitoring loop User interface for job definition and management Ganga has built-in support for ATLAS and LHCb Component architecture allows customisation for other user groups Ganga in sixty seconds
28 June 20064/17 Ganga job abstraction A job in Ganga is constructed from a set of building blocks, not all required for every job Merger Application Backend Input Dataset Output Dataset Splitter Data read by application Data written by application Rule for dividing into subjobs Rule for combining outputs Where to run What to run Job
28 June 20065/17 Framework for plugin handling Ganga provides a framework for handling different types of Application, Backend, Dataset, Splitter and Merger, implemented as plugin classes Each plugin class has its own schema Executable GangaObject IApplication IBackendIDataset ISplitterIMerger LCG Plugin Interfaces Example plugins and schemas -CE -requirements -id -status -reason -actualCE -exitcode -exe -env -args User System
28 June 20066/17 Applications and backends Running of a particular Application on a given Backend is enabled by implementing an appropriate adapter component or Runtime Handler –Can often use same Runtime Handler for several Backend: less coding PBSOSGNorduGridLocalLSFPANDA US-ATLAS WMS LHCb WMS Executable Athena (Simulation/Digitisation/ Reconstruction/Analysis) AthenaMC (Production) Gauss/Boole/Brunel/DaVinci (Simulation/Digitisation/ Reconstruction/Analysis) LHCbExperiment neutralATLAS Implemented Work in progress
28 June 20067/17 Job repository Job repository provides for storage and retrieval of job representations User can choose to work with repository on local filesystem, or with repository on remote server that has certificate-based authentication –Implementation makes use of AMGA database interface AMGA interface for remote database AMGA interface for local database API for local and remote repositories is the same, with CVS-like possibilities for job commit, checkout and update Also have support for selections, bulk operations, and fast retrieval of summary data
28 June 20068/17 Job monitoring Job monitoring is multi-threaded –Can set different refresh rate for different Backends Actions initiated in monitoring threads include updating of job status in repository, and output retrieval for completed jobs
28 June 20069/17 Ganga Command-Line Interface in Python (CLIP) CLIP provides interactive job definition and submission from an enhanced Python shell (IPython) –Especially good for trying things out, and understanding how the system works # List the available application plug-ins list_plugins( application ) # Create a DaVinci job to be submitted to DIRAC j = Job( application = DaVinci, backend = Dirac # Set the job-options file j.application.optsfile = myOpts.txt # Submit the job j.submit() # Search for string in jobs standard output !grep Selected events $j.outputdir/stdout
28 June /17 Ganga scripting From the command line, a script can be executed in the Ganga environment using: ganga –Allows automation of repetitive tasks Scripts for basic tasks included in distribution # Create an Athena job to be submitted to LCG ganga make_job Athena LCG # Edit to set Athena properties, then submit job ganga submit # Query status, triggering output retrieval if job is completed ganga query Approach similar to the one traditionally used when submitting to a local batch system
28 June /17 Ganga Graphical User Interface (GUI) GUI consists of central monitoring panel and dockable windows Job definition based on mouse selections and field completion Highly configurable: choose what to display and how Job details Logical Folders Job Monitoring Log window Job builder Scriptor
28 June /17 Bringing Ganga to the users CERN, September 2005Cambridge, January 2006Bologna, June 2006 Since July 2005, have had three Ganga tutorials for LHCb and two for ATLAS, in various locations Approach of GridPP-supported LHCb-UK Software Course (January 2006), with Ganga/Grid session integrated in more-general course, very successful –Attract users who wouldnt otherwise be considering the Grid Ganga tried out by 100+ people, with positive feedback –Very handy way to organise job submission (ATLAS user) –Clever and nicely designed (LHCb user) Small but growing group of people regularly using Ganga (also from a laptop)
28 June /17 Successes in distributed analysis Success of undergraduate project students in running LHCb analyses using the experiments distributed-analysis system reported in GridPP news item System is based on LCG (Grid infrastructure), DIRAC (workload management layer and Ganga (user interface) Together, project students and others in LHCb-Cambridge processed more than 75 million simulated beauty events over three-month interval Fraction of jobs completing successfully averaged about 92% Extended periods with success rate >95% Excellent demonstration that Ganga allows physics analyses to be run easily on the Grid by people with no knowledge of Grid technicalities Did he say 75 million?
28 June /17 Ganga beyond ATLAS and LHCb In EGEE, Ganga is used as submission engine and monitoring system for the DIANE job-distribution framework Ganga/DIANE combination adopted for a number of applications Use of Grid in search for drugs against avian flu widely reported About one eighth of jobs submitted using Ganga/DIANE Job statistics from Ganga Geant 4 regression tests performed for major releases (twice per year) Search for differences in simulation results Ganga/DIANE adopted for running these tests on the Grid First use December 2005 ITU Regional Radio Conference held in Geneva, May-June 2006 Required real-time optimisation of evolving plan for sharing frequencies between 120 countries Maximise number of satisfied requests Minimise interference Ganga/DIANE used to run optimisation jobs on the Grid
28 June /17 (Nottingham, UK, September 2005) –Ganga user interface for job definition and management (K.Harrison) –Distributed analysis in the ATLAS experiment (C.L.Tan) AHM 2005 (Milano, Italy, September 2005) –Ganga user interface for job definition and management (D.Liko/K.Harrison) (Mumbai, India, February 2006) –Ganga: a Grid user interface (K.Harrison) –Experience with distributed analysis in LHCb (U.Egede) Conference contributions: July June 2006 (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2006) –Ganga: a job management and optimising tool for job submission to the Grid (A.Maier) ISGC 2006 AHM 2005
28 June /17 (Nottingham, UK, September 2006) –Ganga: a Grid user interface for distributed analysis (A.Soroko) –Distributed analysis in the ATLAS experiment (C.L.Tan) AHM 2006 Conference contributions: coming attractions (Geneva, Switzerland, July 2006) –Using Python in the Development of a Grid user interface for distributed data analysis (A. Soroko)
28 June /17 Conclusions Excellent progress with Ganga development since redesign (early 2005) Wealth of functionality has been implemented –Support for Applications and Backends of interest to ATLAS and LHCb Work in progress on ATLAS-specific Backends: PANDA and NorduGrid –Possibilities for working at the command line, with scripts, and through a graphical interface –Job monitoring, local/remote repository, job splitting, and more Work on data handling delayed because of uncertainties in the experiments, but is now one of the top priorities Several highly successful Ganga tutorials have been held: more to come Ganga has allowed high-statistics LHCb physics studies to be performed on the Grid by people with no knowledge of Grid technicalities Ganga used for a range of applications beyond ATLAS and LHCb