Key Vocabulary Basic Beliefs Bye, Bye Egypt Origins LeadersSacred Writings Early Kingdoms Potpourri
A belief in only one god monotheism 100
These are the most important laws of Judaism Ten Commandments 100
He led the Israelites out of enslavement in Egypt Moses 100
He made the original covenant with God Abraham 100
A Jewish religious leader and teacher rabbi 100
Judaism’s sacred writings The Scriptures or Hebrew Bible 100
He was the first king of a united Israel Saul 100
A binding agreement, like the one Abraham made with God covenant 200
Jews believe in this fairness for all people. justice 200
This is what Jews call their Egyptian escape The Exodus 200
God promised Abraham and his descendants this land if they obeyed him Canaan 200
He received the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. Moses 200
A collections of teachings about the Hebrew Bible and Jewish law The Talmud 200
Warriors or prophets that ruled early kingdoms. Judges 200
Ideas about what is right and wrong in a society Ethics 300
Saturdays are this for Jewish people The Sabbath 300
Jewish people celebrate their escape with this holiday Passover 300
This leader formed the Twelve Tribes of Israel Jacob 300
This king expanded Israel’s territory and also wrote beautiful poetry. David 300
The Torah 300 This part of the Hebrew Bible contains the Ten Commandments
Patriarchs 300 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are known as this Daily Double How much would you like to wager?
Jews living in Africa or Asia are part of this Diaspora 400
Key Jewish teachings include a strong commitment to this. Study and Prayer 400
Moses parts this to allow the Jews to escape The Red Sea 400
The place where Judaism began Ur in Mesopotamia 400 Daily Double How much would you like to wager?
This early prophet urged people to act morally Isaiah 400
This is also called “The Laws of Moses” 400 The Torah
Israel split into these two kingdoms after Solomon's rule Judah and Israel 400
A person chosen by god as his messenger prophet 100
Jewish people go here to learn and worship synagogue 200
300 exile The Babylonian Captivity forced Jews to go into this
This King is known for his wise sayings and proverbs Solomon 400