The Universal Declaration of Human Rights By: The UN
The Document The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1948 in Paris. It was created after the turmoil and conflicts experienced through World War II. It represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled.
Deciphering the Declaration You will each receive one of the thirty rights from the Declaration to take a closer look at. On your index card, write the article number of your right at the top. Then, rewrite your right in a way your classmates can understand; make it “current.” Write your name on the back. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to figure out what certain words mean. Study vocab until everyone is finished.
The High School Declaration of Human Rights In a small group, you will now create The High School Declaration of Human Rights. In your group, decide on 10 to 15 common courtesies you would like to see in your high school environment from your peers. These may be similar to the actual Declaration of Human Rights, but get creative and stay school appropriate Use markers to make your declaration on the butcher paper provided. The best ones will be selected to go on display.