“Our friends, we want you to know the truth about those who have died, so that you will not be sad, as are those who have no hope.” --1Thessalonians 4:13
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Do pets go to Heaven? A: No. But there will be animals in Heaven. (Isaiah 11:6)
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Should a Christian be cremated? A: It is not prohibited in the Scriptures. (Genesis 3:19; 18:27)
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Will people be married in Heaven? A: No. There is no marriage in Heaven. (Matthew 22:30)
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Should we try to contact the dead? A: No. This is a dangerous thing. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Can a person who commits suicide go to Heaven? A: Yes, based on scriptural principles. (Heb. 11:32 ; Rom. 8.1)
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Will we remember our lives when we’re in Heaven? A: Probably, at least partially. (Luke 16:19-31)
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Can people in Heaven see what is happening on Earth? A: Probably not, at least not fully. (Luke 16:19-31)
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Can people who have never heard of Christ still go to Heaven? A: Yes, if they obey their conscience. (Romans )
Q uestions & A nswers Death and the Afterlife Q: Is there more than one way to get to Heaven? A: No…not once one has rejected Christ. (John 14:6-7; Acts.4:12; Ephesians 2.8-9)