The Fairview Family Matthew 7:24-29
The Fairview Family Matthew 7:24-29
The Fairview Family Matthew 7:24-29
The Fairview Family Matthew 7:24-29
The Fairview Family 28 When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at His teaching; Matthew 7:24-29
The Fairview Family 29 for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes. Matthew 7:24-29
The Fairview Family
Jesus closes His sermon on this mount by declaring the importance of our determination to make His Word the foundation of our lives.
The Fairview Family Making His Word our foundation is like building upon a rock. All other potential sources of foundation will crumble like a foundation of sand.
The Fairview Family This principle applies equally to us as a church, God’s family.
The Fairview Family Foundations of sand are always based upon a lack of trust in God. As the Fairview Family we are committed to the Word of God as our foundation.
The Fairview Family
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The Fairview Family 14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The Fairview Family
11 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
The Fairview Family Jesus made it clear that the foundation He desires for us is experienced by our hearing and obeying His Word.
The Fairview Family The Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures have come forth from God. Through the Bible God is revealing Himself, His purposes, His ways, and His will.
The Fairview Family Jesus has called us to make His Word the foundation upon which He will build His church.
The Fairview Family Why do we choose to rely upon the Word of God as our foundation?
The Fairview Family
This means that both the Old Testament and the Gospels and Letters of the New Testament are together equally God’s eternal Word.
The Fairview Family Jesus is the Word. Jesus has revealed Himself to us as God throughout the Old Testament which pointed to His coming and the New Testament which declares His Gospel and provides His instructions as He launched His Church.
The Fairview Family
It is the relationship with God through Jesus Christ that enables the Holy Spirit of God indwelling us to bring to life the Word of God.
The Fairview Family A person cannot discover truth from the Bible. Truth is revealed to those who belong to God.
The Fairview Family When revealed Truth is obeyed growth occurs spiritually which opens the way for more Truth to be revealed.
The Fairview Family
The Truth of God’s Word is lived out by faith in the crucible of life’s challenges.
The Fairview Family
Doctrine/Teaching – The truths of God Reproof – How we walk away from God Correction- How we walk back to God Instruction- How we walk with God
The Fairview Family Every time we read the Bible, under the control of the Holy Spirit, seeking to hear from God we will experience one or more of these four guiding revelations
The Fairview Family The purpose of this process of revealing truth is to grow us and equip us to serve God
The Fairview Family
We commit to the belief that God is our creator and the Author of the Bible. Thus, it is God’s Word.
The Fairview Family We commit to the truth that Jesus is God. Jesus is the Word of God. God has spoken fully in Jesus. God’s Word, the Bible has authority because Jesus has given it authority
The Fairview Family We commit to follow Jesus according to His revealed Word and by the leading of His Spirit
The Fairview Family We commit to be doers of the Word
The Fairview Family We commit to help one another grow spiritually as we saturate our minds and hearts with God’s Word and encourage one another through mutual accountability to walk by faith and to grow in faith
The Fairview Family We commit together to make God’s Word our final authority for all we believe and endeavor to do.
The Fairview Family A call for us to stand together publically in our commitment to being founded upon the Word