With Your Host Nabeel Baig
Friday, November,23, 2012 Saturday, November,24, 2012 Time: 8:04 PM Temperature: 35 Degrees F Temperature: 32 Degrees F Barometric Pressure: 29 inHg Barometric Pressure: 29.5 inHg Sky Conditions: Overcast Wind Speed: 18 mphWind Speed: 10 mph Rainfall (mL): 2 mLRainfall (mL): 0 mL Precipitation Type: Flurries Precipitation Type: None Wind Direction: West
Sunday, November, 25, 2012 Monday, November, 26, 2012 Time: 8:06 PMTime: 8:04 PM Temperature: 39 Degrees F Temperature: 32 Degrees F Barometric Pressure: 30 inHg Sky Conditions: Mostly Cloudy Wind Speed: 6 mphWind Speed: 0 mph Rainfall (mL): 3 mLRainfall (mL): 0 mL Precipitation Type: None Wind Direction: WestWind Direction: none
Tuesday, November, 27, 2012 Wednesday, November, 28, 2012 Time: 8:05 PMTime: 8:04 PM Temperature: 26 Degrees F Temperature: 31 Degrees F Barometric Pressure: 30 inHg Sky Conditions: Partly Cloudy Sky Conditions: Clear Wind Speed: 5 mphWind Speed: 3 mph Rainfall (mL): 0 mL Precipitation Type: None Wind Direction: SouthWind Direction: West
Thursday, November, 29, 2012 Friday, November, 30, 2012 Time: 8:04 PM Temperature: 35 Degrees F Temperature: 40 Degrees F Barometric Pressure: 30 inHg Sky Conditions: ClearSky Conditions: Mostly Cloudy Wind Speed: 1 mphWind Speed: 6 mph Rainfall (mL): 0 mL Precipitation Type: None Wind Direction: SouthWind Direction: East
Saturday, December, 1, 2012 Sunday, December, 2, 2012 Time: 8:04 PM Temperature: 50 Degrees F Temperature: 53 Degrees F Barometric Pressure: 30 inHg Sky Conditions: ClearSky Conditions: Overcast Wind Speed: 4 mphWind Speed: 2 mph Rainfall (mL): 0 mLRainfall (mL): 3 mL Precipitation Type: NonePrecipitation Type: Drizzle Wind Direction: SouthWind Direction: West
Summary of 10 Day Forecast These 10 days were very interesting to see. For one thing the temperature started at about 32 degrees and slowly increased building its way up to almost 50 degrees. Now here’s why I think the temperature increased, I think because we had a stationary front for about the first 6 days. Then in came a cold front. The cold front pushed the stationary front upwards which cause it to rain on the eighth day, but the temperature rose due to moisture in the air. The barometric pressure started at 29 inHg and increased to 30 inHg but stayed the same throughout the rest of the 10 days. The sky conditions are the trickiest because one day you could have cloudy weather but then the next you could have the clearest skies. The wind speed is also unpredictable because it all depends on the type of front. Last but not least is the wind direction. The wind direction stayed the same but then changed as each went on. I have predicted the next 3 days based on the information of the first 10 days.
Map of Michigan
Weather Insturements Anemometer Rain Gauge Barometer
3 Day Weather Forecast Monday, December, 3, 2012 Tuesday, December, 4, 2012 Wednesday, December, 5, 2012 Temperature: 45 Degrees F Temperature: 43 Degrees F Temperature: 40 Degrees F Rainfall (mL): 0 mL Sky Conditions: Mostly Cloudy Sky Conditions: Cloudy Sky Conditions: Partly Cloudy Wind Direction: South Wind Direction: West Wind Speed: 8 mphWind Speed: 10 mphWind Speed: 6 mph Precipitation: None Air Pressure: 29 inHgAir Pressure: 30 inHg
Ayah/Reflection This ayah mentions how Allah is in control of the clouds in the air, and how they move, and how they connect. This shows that scientists didn’t entirely discover the air around them. Allah knew exactly what is going to happen. How much rain is going to fall? What the temperature will be tomorrow to exact point? He knows what the wind speed is going to be? So as humans we try as best as we can to try to forecast the weather but we will never be right, because we cant exactly know what will be planned by Allah because Allah is the best of planners. Art thou not aware that it is God who causes the clouds to move onward, then joins them together, then piles them up in masses, until thou canst see rain come forth from their midst? And He it is who sends down from the skies, by degrees, mountainous masses [of clouds] charged with hail, striking therewith whomever He wills and averting it from whomever He wills, [the while] the flash of His lightning well- nigh deprives [men of their] sight! (24:43) أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يُزْجِي سَحَابًا ثُمَّ يُؤَلِّفُ بَيْنَهُ ثُمَّ يَجْعَلُهُ رُكَامًا فَتَرَى الْوَدْقَ يَخْرُجُ مِنْ خِلَالِهِ وَيُنَزِّلُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مِنْ جِبَالٍ فِيهَا مِنْ بَرَدٍ فَيُصِيبُ بِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَصْرِفُهُ عَنْ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۖ يَكَادُ سَنَا بَرْقِهِ يَذْهَبُ بِالْأَبْصَارِ
Don’t forget to tune in next time on Dec. 13 for my next 10 day weather forecast! This is Nabeel Baig saying so long from Sunny Side Up! Good Night!