1-Do you feel you are an European more than a national of your own country?
2-Do you feel you are an European more than a world citizen?
3-Do you think that it is a good idea tha tyour country is a member of the European Union?
4- Do you think you know enough about the European Union?
5-Do you think “Europe” should be a subject in European schools to teach you about the EU?
6-If you were allowed would you vote for the election of the European parliament?
7-Do you think the EU does enough to appeal to the young Europeans?
8-Do you think the EU should become bigger?
9-Do you think it is a good idea that Turkey joins the EU as a member state?
10-Which subjects do you think the European Union should pay (more) attention to ?( maximum 3) Agriculture 19 Education 49 Human rights 57 Job opportunities123 Military cooperation29 Peace 30 Preservation of European culture 29 Promotion of European values15 The economy 83 The environment 32 The euro 21 The political union of Europe 26 Trade withcountries outside of Europe20 Trade within the European Union 11
Which subject should the EU pay (more) attention to appeal to young people? (maximum 3) Agriculture 11 Education 43 Human rights 38 Job opportunities102 Military cooperation14 Peace 9 Possibilities to study abroad 73 Possibilities to visit other European countries with school 83 Preservation of European culture 18 Promotion of European values 12 Sport 41 The economy31 The environment 19 The euro 5 The political union of Europe 8 Trade withcountries outside of Europe16 Trade within the European Union9