Setting your Panorama Defaults
Purpose To review the different default settings in Panorama (Orgs/SDLs)
Immunization Defaults
1.Provider Setting 2.Historical Immunization (Yes or No) 3.Organization 4.Service Delivery Location 5.Holding Point 6.Holding Point Location
1) Provider Setting
Setting Immunization Defaults Provider Setting Rule of Thumb: It is recommended that nurses/providers leave the provider section vacant. Panorama will automatically default to the provider who has signed in when they are documenting provider recorded immunizations.
Provider Setting General Rule: Clerks or nurses who are recording a large number of immunizations on behalf of another provider may want to set the provider default setting to reflect a particular provider’s name when documenting non provider recorded immunizations. It is important to remember to clear/update the default setting when you are finished entering information for a different provider.
2) Historical Immunizations YES or NO
Historical “No” A default setting of Historical “No” will still allow the user to enter historical immunizations. Historical “No” simply means that Panorama will not apply the default settings to historical immunizations. (It’s like starting with a clean slate each time you select “Add Historical Details”. The user must populate the Provider, Org & SDL fields. Historical “No” will still record that the user “created” the historical immunization documentation at the bottom of the page like this:
Historical “No” General Rule for Nurses/Providers: It is recommended that nurses set their historical immunizations setting to “No”. Exception to the Rule : Nurses who document travel health immunizations may want to select “Historical Yes” but they don’t have to.
Historical “Yes” Historical “Yes” will apply all the default settings to historical immunizations recorded (“Historical Details” and “Historical & Save”) Provider Org SDL For example: If a clerk is documenting multiple historical immunizations provided by a non public health provider (i.e.; Hospital ER, Long Term Care Home), it would make sense to select “Historical Yes” and set the default settings for that provider, Org and SDL so the defaults would automatically be recorded for those historical immunizations. It is important to remember to always clear/update the default setting when you are finished entering information for a different provider.
Historical “Yes” General Rule for Nurses: Nurses should normally select “Historical No” and only select “Historical Yes” if they are recording multiple travel vaccines. Example why Nurses Should Not Select “Historical Yes”: If a nurse is documenting a historical immunization provided by a non public health provider from India and has “Historical Yes” selected, Panorama will automatically record the nurse’s default settings and record the nurse as the provider and the Org and SDL that was set up in the default setting for the nurse.
Historical “Yes” General Rule for Clerks: Clerks who large volumes of historical immunizations on behalf of non public health providers will want to set their historical immunizations setting to “Yes” and set the other defaults accordingly.
Historical “Yes” General Rule for Travel Health Nurses: Non publically funded travel health vaccines are recorded as “Historical Details”. Travel Health Nurses may want to set their historical immunizations setting to “Yes” so they don’t have to select the Org and SDL each time. (It is recommended that Nurses/Providers only select “Historical Yes” if they are recording multiple travel vaccines.) Remember: Publically funded travel vaccines should be recorded as provider recorded immunizations NOT as “Historical Details”. It is important to remember to always update the Historical setting to “no” when you are finished entering information for a travel clinic otherwise all the historical immunizations that are recorded will be attributed to the default settings.
3) Organization It is important to note that the organization immunization defaults are linked to inventory and individual imms. Immunization defaults must be set at the highest level of the organization in order for the system to recognize the holding point to auto decrement vaccine. Organizational default settings do not apply to Mass Imms.
Organization Defaults for Southern The correct default for inventory purposes is the Regional (RHA) level not the Public Health level. yes No
Organization Default for WRHA The correct default for inventory purposes is the Regional (RHA) level not the Public Health level. No yes No
4. Service Delivery Location Service Delivery Locations are designated physical locations where public health services are provided. For example, a public health office, a school or community center etc. Note: A separate SDL could not be defined in Panorama for every possible site where immunizations are provided. Users are to record the SDL for offsite community sites (community centres, malls, etc.) as PH Mass/Off Site Clinic SDL. ( PH Mass /Off Site Clinic).
5. Holding Point If the Public Health Org is selected as the default (instead of the RHA Org), the inventory holding point cannot be selected and the system will not auto decrement vaccines for individual immunizations.
6) Holding Point Location The inventory HPL must be set as OP (operational) in order for vaccines recorded as single immunizations to be auto-decremented
What is New ? New Orgs for Rural Regions will enable us to run reports related to: – Long Term Care – Home Care – Occupational Health Need to document PHU when recording individual imms so we can run Public Health Unit level reports
Changes to Recording Individual Imms Need to document PHU org when recording individual immunizations (QRC 2.2, QRC 2.3 & QRC 2.4) WHY? Reporting Purposes (Unit Specific Reports) Ability to follow-up (AEFI, product recalls)