G EOGRAPHY, C LIMATE, AND N ATURAL R ESOURCES C AN B E C ONNECTED T O D AILY L IFE AND J OBS ? Essential Question: How is their geography, climate, and natural resources connected to their daily life and/or jobs? Answer: The inside of Spain is sparsely peopled, and the densest populations are focused along the coasts. ( Due to Mountains, plateaus, rivers, and rare valleys) People try not to live where there is a lot of rainfall, they like the warm weather. The Mediterranean shore is narrow, but has a lot of farming. Most of people live here. The rivers in Spain, such as the Ebro, is an important source of irrigation where rainfall is not common. One third of Spain’s land is under cultivation Climate varies according to what region it is..
E CONOMICS, W HAT D OES T HIS R EVEAL ? Essential Question: What does economic data reveal about their quality of life? Answer: Adult literacy rate for both male and female is 99% I would say that Spain is a developing country. They pay more for imports, about $322.7 billion than exports. The GDP per capita is $30,400 Unemployment rate is 24.9% Tourism became a great source of income for Spain. The poverty rate is 19.8% while the U.S has only 15% Life expectancy: 77(male) 84 (female) Economic condition have improved since Spain joined EU in 1986
C ULTURES M AKE E VERYONE S PECIAL Essential Question: What do we need to know about these people to understand what makes their culture unique. Answer: They enjoy fresh vegetables, meat, eggs, chicken and fish. Spain has many festivals. Soccer is a main sport in spain. Such as La Tomatina Tomato Fight and the San Sebastian Drum Festival One thing that makes their culture really unique is that they enjoy bull fighting and Flemenco. Their culture wouldn’t be the same without it. Family is really important in Spain, and divorce rates are low. ( but they are increasing) (small family.) Visitors/guests can only stay from at least 1 to 2 hours. Castilian Spanish is the main language in Spain. Religion is largely Roman Catholic nation.
P RICES C HANGED T HEIR L IFE. Essential Question: Or how has the U.S affected an event? Answer: Spain now pays a higher price for gasoline for their car. Prices are going up and down in the market because Iran and the U.S are fighting, and so are Israel and Syria. Spain is scared that they will run out of oil for the wars. Wars are going on and the wars need gasoline. The decreasing of GNP in the U.S also made the prices rise.