What Political Party Are YOU?
Answer Choice SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree D – Disagree SD – Strongly Disagree
1. The US should pass a gender discrimination amendment.
2. The national government should not establish a federally funded medical program so that all persons would have equal access to medical services.
3. It should be legal and constitutional to say prayer at the beginning of assemblies in public schools.
4. Sexual preference should be a criteria for acceptance into military service.
5. Persons receiving the death penalty should be limited in the number of appeals. The sentence should be carried out in a shorter period of time than it is now.
6. The Supreme Court should reverse its decision on abortion and make it more difficult to have an abortion except in very special cases.
7. The U.S. should lower the tax rate on the sale of stocks and bonds.
8. Parents should be able to send their students to any school they choose and tax money should be used to support the schools that the parents choose regardless if the school is religious in nature.
9. City police should be able to confiscate any materials that are deemed to be obscene or pornographic according to community standards.
10. Laws should not be passed that limit the sale of certain types of weapons that are used for hunting or other legitimate sporting purposes.
11. The federal government should be required to have a balanced budget regardless of programs that might have to be cut.
12. Sex education should never be included in school curriculum in any public school.
13. Student lockers should be searched on a random basis for illegal materials by police and/or school officials.
14. The federal government should repeal the minimum wage law.
15. Laws should be passed to make it illegal for public employees such as the police, firefighters, teachers, and garbage collectors to go on strike.
16. Public schools should be required to teach biblical creationism in all classes that teach the theory of evolution.
17. The U.S. should require temporary sterilization of all unmarried women on welfare if they have more than two illegitimate children.
18. Birth control information and nonprescription contraceptive devices should not be made available on high school campuses.
19. Evidence that is obtained unconstitutionally, but honestly and unintentionally, should be admissible in court and used against a suspect.
20. There should be occasional and random drug testing of federal government employees.
21. Requirements for any military duty, including combat, should be based partially on gender.
22. If two equally qualified persons apply for a job and one of them is a minority, race should play no role in the hiring decision.
23. Certain literature should be banned in public libraries if it is determined to be improper or too controversial by the librarian or a review board.
24. A person's right to free speech under the First Amendment does not include burning the American flag in protest.
25. As a general directive, the federal budget should spend less money on health and education than on the military.
26. A history of human rights violations or racial discrimination should not play a role in deciding if the US should impose economic penalties on a foreign nation.
27. The federal government should not attempt to prevent mergers of large or small corporations.
28. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and similar groups that take many cases to court claiming constitutional rights have been violated usually cause more problems than they solve.
29. Finding an alternative to nuclear energy and stopping the construction of radioactive nuclear power plants is not necessary.
30. The death penalty is clearly not a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
31. Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a serious problem and should be enforced by the US legal system only in the most blatant situations.
32. Prisons should punish criminals, not rehabilitate them.
33. The states should enforce penalties for gambling, prostitution, and other victimless crimes.
34. The FBI and CIA should be able to wiretap the phones and read the mail of any suspected criminal.
35. The federal government must place business's importance above that of the environment.
36. Most adults on welfare are lazy and not trying to find work.
37. Profanity and sexually- oriented material on the Internet should be outlawed by the federal and state governments.
38. The US must limit the flow of immigrants into the country.
39. The Gay and Lesbian Alliance should not be able to march freely in public
Points for responses: SA = 1 A = 2 D = 3 SD = The lower your total score, the more conservative you are and the higher the score, the more liberal you are.