EU-StORe Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources ( RO01-KA ) Gabriella Agrusti LUMSA University (Rome, Italy) Third EU-StORe Kick-Off Meeting – Valletta (Malta) September 8th – 10th 2015
Target group: teachers and would-be teachers of different school levels Content areas: 1.Students’ transversal basic skills improvement Literacy (reading, writing) Numeracy 2.Fostering students’ prospective active citizenship Environmental sustainability Civic Education Financial literacy Tackling effectively bullying at school 3.Teachers’ Professional development ICT OERs Overview of national OER integrated in the EU-StORe database (1) ITALY
Overview of national OER integrated in the EU-StORe database (2) ITALY TopicContent AreaLink Writing and re- writing texts Literacy testi-da-testi/ Relationships between Math and Language Numeracy merenda-dalla-lepre- marzolina Food sovereignty explained to students Environmental sustainability t/tool-kit Human Rights Education at school Civic Education m/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/I T/IDPagina/51http:// primo-grado How to select an OER, how to create it and share it Professional Development in ICT scegliere-una-risorsa- didattica-documentare- unesperienza-in-classe/
Chances and challenges concerning the use of the database Chances: To professionalize the OERs’ use by teachers To provide final users with a “sneak peek” of OERs produced in other European countries To create a common set of well-established core values for quality definition To identify the minimum set of features necessary to fruitfully use an OER in daily classes Challenges: External consistency issues: Need to refine the internal consortium common agreement on the specific meaning of each category in order to be more reliable Internal consistency issues: During the upload / evaluation process it is not possible to come back and see what has been done N/A and other values can coexist – so double scoring? Missing link to target group: this would be crucial for an easy “search and find” process
Contacts Skype: gagrusti Phone: Skype: elisa.muscillo Skype: valedamiani1982 LUMSA University Via di Porta Castello, Roma (Italy) Facebook: