Donna Messer is inspiring – a passionate motivator who truly walks her talk. She has addressed thousands of people on three continents, bringing with her a message that says “walk with me, on your journey of self- discovery”. Through her company, ConnectUs International, she has designed a series of motivational and inspiring workshops and keynote presentations for clients in the both public and private sectors. Donna has written more than 4,000 articles, which have been published in magazines and newspapers and featured on radio and television around the world. A former broadcast journalist, an entrepreneur, and a lover of life – Donna and her family live in Southern Ontario.
The Power of Positive Linking Building Relationships, Builds Business Everyone in the world is part of an endless chain of connections. The best way to build business is to be part of that chain.
Negotiate Explore Contact Opportunity Solution Strategize Putting the pieces together
How Do You Think? Think laterally! There is always more than one way to achieve your goals.
Network = WHO are you? WHAT do you need? WHAT are you willing to share?
Awareness Heightens Achievement! A-H-A 1.What do I like to do? 2.What am I good at? 3.What are my strengths? 4.What are my weaknesses? 5.What are my hobbies/interests? 6.What associations do I belong to? 7.Who do I know? 8.What can I share? 9.What special skills do I have? 10.Am I a volunteer? Where? 11.Charity - do I have a favourite? 12.What’s my wildest dream? If money, talent and time didn’t count - what would I like to do?
How Do We Think... Orange Big picture thinker, think in “pods”, comfortable with conceptual ideas. Red Think in terms of chapters, always need a beginning, middle and end. Green Organized, sequential in their thinking - specific and brief.
An idea is a fragile thing. Turning it off is much easier than keeping it lit. “I have an idea…” “A word of caution…” “A little too radical…” “I like it myself…” “We tried something just like that once…” “Let me play devil’s advocate…” “It’s just not us…” “I wish it were that easy…” “Oh, it was just an idea…”
Together We Make Things Happen! I have an idea!Just do it! Let’s get all details! Be careful! Let’s do the overview! Let’s follow up!
Make The First Minute Count S tart with a smile M ake eye contact I ntroduce yourself L et people know what you do E xplain what you need A sk how you can help them S ay thank you K eep in touch
Ten Rules for Good Networking Be prepared Be open minded Don’t be afraid to ask Treat everyone in your network as an equal Build your network on information, not status
Say Thank You Don’t waste your resources Give without expectation Set realistic and achievable goals Be committed and determined to do whatever it takes Ten Rules for Good Networking
Maslow vs. Messer Hierarchy of Needs Self-fulfillment Egotistic Needs Social Needs Safety/Security Needs Basic Needs
The best way to build business is to be part of that chain. The Power of Positive Linking
ConnectUs International Inc. 323 Kerr St. Suite 202 Oakville ON L6K 3B phone fax