Plant Rainforest Jasmine.Rojas
Name of your planet Plant Rain Forest is tropical. And it also is wet and hot.
Question 3 It will have a steel cover over its body.
Question 4 What type of body covering or coverings will your bird have? Why? a. covering #1 It has poison oil all over it body _________________________________________________________ purpose: Because when an something try's to hurt it. _it will die._____________________________________________________________ b. covering #2 My bird will have stone feet.____________________________________________________________ purpose: So it will protect it self from poison ive.______________________________________________________________ c. covering #3: Legs have spikes.________________________________________________________ purpose: ___________To kill fish and ex.___________________________________________________
Question 5 Its wings will be steel so if it falls it will not hurt its self. Its eyes will have laser eyes to kill and eat stuff. It has stone feet
Question 6 It will have laser eyes. To shot and burn what's going to eat them. And what my duck is going to eat.
Question 7 & 8 My duck will eat insects and fish. So my beak will have a big and strong beak.
Question 9 9. My bird will collect and store water. By there 10. Sponge like feather.
Question 10 My bird lives in wet grass.
Question 10 It is camouflage to tree trunks.
Question 11 & 12 Snakes and monkey can harm my bird. It will protect it self with its poison claws.
Question 13 My bird will out lasers out of its eyes.
Plant Adaptation PLANT COOP
Question 14 What components will your plant have? Why? a. Stem #1: Has large spikes. ___________________________________________________________ purpose: To protect its.self. ______________________________________________________________ b. Flower #2 Has oil all over its body. ____________________________________________________________ purpose: So it does not get so wet. ______________________________________________________________ c. Leaves #3: The leaves are poisons b____________________________________________________________ purpose: So when some thing try to eat it it will die._______________________________________________ d. Roots #4:_The roots are wood____________________________________________________________ purpose:_So thay can blend in._ f____________________________________________________________
Plant Adaptation Summary 15. What type of roots will your plant need? Why? Thay will have long roots.To survive and to get things thay need. 16. How will your plant make its own food (Photosynthesis)? It will make its on food by storing water in its cup. 17. How will your plant disperse its seeds? When the cup is full the leaves will spread and seeds will come out. 18. What special adaptations will your plant have to get water? It will have a cup to store water. 19. What are the consumers that might eat your plant? The thing that eat by plant are pandas. 20. What is the most unique adaptation that your plant has? It has a cup to store water.
Laser Bolt!!! Has laser eyes to kill animals. Has a steal tail to break things. Has steal feet to protect it self. Has steel wings to protect it self Has a wood body to hide
PLANT COOP Has spikes to protect its self from pandas Has a cup to store water Green slide to shot out seeds.