Welcome to 8 th Grade Ms. Leigh Anne Kinlaw, ELA Expectations, Procedures, and Policies
Agenda Student Packet of Forms and Information Class Schedule Class Expectations Classroom Procedures General Procedures ELA Activities and Projects Grading Scale Questions and Answers
Forms and Information As we review the packet, please make sure that you have the all the forms that are identified. If you are missing any forms, please raise your hand when we begin discussing that particular form. Initial the form after we have discussed the information indicating that you understand the purpose of the form.
Class Schedule 7:50 – 9:40First Period 9:40 – 11:20Second Period 11:25 – 11:40 PAP 11:40 – 12:05 Lunch 12:05 – 1:55Third Period 2:00 – 2:55Encore
Homeroom Info Breakfast Procedure “Grab and Go” You will select your breakfast item(s) from the 8 th grade hallway. You will promptly walk to class with your breakfast. You will eat during your starter activity. Breakfast will be finished at 7:50. Lockers Lockers can be rented for a $5 fee. You do not have to rent a locker, but you do have this as an option. This is a privilege and can be revoked due to improperly following rules. Please see Mrs. Prevatte to coordinate this rental. TYPICAL MORNING ROUTINE: After you get to campus (bus or car), you will need to: 1. Go to the restroom 2. Get breakfast, 3. Go to your locker 4. Come to class. If you come to class first, you will not be permitted to leave!
Second Period Info PAP We have a 20 minute period of scheduled physical activity. This includes walk time from the cafeteria as well as walking into the classroom. Lunch We will go to lunch during this period. Please note that we will walk outside the building unless there are monsoon type conditions. Coordinate your clothing accordingly. Restroom After lunch we will have a scheduled break for restrooms. You will be going after we change classes with Mr. Anderson. Only emergency situations will allow you to go to the restroom during this period. Lockers You will have previously had to the opportunity to visit your locker. You will not be permitted to go back into the building.
Third Period Info Fruit/Veggies We will enjoy our provided snack during this period. Keep in mind that it will be incorporated into instructional time. Encore Encore teachers will be coordinating a schedule for pick up of students from the 8 th grade hallway. Please make sure to take your items with you as you exit the classroom. You will not be permitted to come back into the classroom and get forgotten items. Lockers You will be provided time to go to your lockers at the end of the class period before encore. Restroom You have the opportunity to go to the restroom at the end of the class period before encore. Use time wisely so that you will be ready when your teacher arrives for your next class. I will not provide tardy notes.
Class Expectations Ain’t nobody got time for that Find your seat. Immediately begin working on your starter. Complete center assignments, daily assignments, and class activities/projects in a timely manner. Mustache If you “must ask a question”, then raise your hand. If you need help or want to participate in class, follow the same protocol. YOLO Focus on the material or presentation. Pay attention! I should only have to give directions or present instruction once so, YOU ONLY LISTEN ONCE!
Class Expectations BACON Because Anyone Can Overcome Negativity! Be a positive role model and don’t get caught up in negative behavior. Be the best you can be. Follow the Bruin Behavior Matrix. You’re a big deal, pickle! Everyone deserves respect. Each of us is a “big deal.” Show respect to others- teachers and classmates. Most importantly, have self respect.
Classroom Procedures Classroom News Quizzes, tests, projects, and Benchmark Assessments will be noted on the calendar. Please notice the bulletin board, “INFO” to find out what is occurring in the classroom and school wide. Class Discussions You must raise your hand to participate in class. If you are answering a question, need help, or have a question, it is important that you raise your hand. Each student deserves the opportunity to have a voice and each student will be respected by others when they are participating in class. Labeling Your Paper Papers will need to be properly labeled. Be aware that I expect you to follow an established procedure. If there is no name, I can not give you credit!
Classroom Procedures Emergencies Emergencies are defined as something that is out of your normal control and you need immediate assistance. You will only go to the bathroom at specific times unless it is an emergency. Sickness You will need to notify me and I will determine the appropriate procedure. If a nurse is needed or a phone call home, it will be coordinated for you. Fire Drills/Tornado Drills/Emergency Situations You will be expected to follow procedures that are given in each situation. You will quickly, orderly, and quietly follow instructions. Please notice the exits and instructions posted near the exit.
Classroom Procedures Hall Pass You will be allowed out of class for emergencies, directed activities by me, or called out by school personnel. There will be no need to leave the class unless otherwise determined by me. If you are allowed out of class you will need to sign a log and take a hall pass Getting Out of Your Seat Raise your hand for permission before getting up to throw away trash, to get a tissue, etc. The only exceptions are an emergency or directions given by me. Classroom Managers Students will be assigned a manager position with assigned job responsibilities for to assist with classroom management of materials, supplies, and necessary tasks. Students will have the opportunity to review positions and apply for specific positions. Positions will rotate on a semester basis.
General Procedures Walking in the Hallways You are not allowed to talk during any time in the hallway. Other students are involved in the learning process and will not be distracted. This includes but is not limited to class changes, walking to the cafeteria, walking to the media center, etc. Lunch Room Behavior You are to quietly and quickly get your food and find your seat. You are allowed to talk once you have physically sat down at your table. Please be aware that silent lunch or seating assignments are viable options for disruptive behavior. Lockers You will be give specific times to go to your locker. You are expected to quickly and quietly get all your materials at this time. Therefore, you will have no need to ask during class. If this becomes an issue, access to your locker can be suspended.
ELA Activities Mountain Language Reading Response Journal Whole Group Novel Study Independent Novel Study Literature Circles Individual Poetry Project Writing Projects SRA Activities/Paired Passages Student Learning Centers (SLC) Assessments
ELA Activities Class Projects – Individual and Group We will work on many projects throughout the year. These projects will show that you understand subject content. You will be notified to due dates. A rubric will be given before the beginning of each project so you will know the quality of work that is expected. When a group of students work together on a project, you will receive a final group grade and an individual grade. Quizzes You will have quizzes. Occasionally you will have a pop quiz to see if you are paying attention in class. I will most definitely drop a hint that one is coming up! Tests You will receive a study guide for all your tests. You will be notified of your test at least a week in advance. Test will be graded and sent home for parents to sign. They will then be placed in your notebook. Extra Credit Throughout the year extra credit opportunities will be provided to you.
Grading Scale We will be using a 7 point scale A B C 77 – 70D Below 69F Grading Criteria Tests40% Classwork/Participation20% Homework10% Projects20% Quizzes10%
Questions and Answers