Sopark Charoensuk Chulalongkorn University
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Topic 1. Introduction & Objective 2. Methodology 3. Result 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Topic 1. Introduction & Objective 2. Methodology 3. Result 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Objective To survey of Implementation and Opinion of e- Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System and Technology of Online Learning.
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Factor of Research Learning Management System and Technology Support Media and Online Learning Model Online Learning Activity
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Topic 1. Introduction & Objective 2. Methodology 3. Result 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Methodology 1. The population of this research was university lecturers, Teaching in Online Learning in University with Open Online Learning. 2. The subjects in this research were 90 Lecturers, teaching in Online Learning in University with Open Online Learning. 3. The research tool was a set of Likert Check list questionnaire which was a survey questionnaire about the opinion of learning activities, LMS tools in Thai universities. 4. The data analysis 4.1 To analyze the data of state of online activities, instructional media and online learning system by using Frequency and Percentage. 4.2 To analyze the data of the opinion of online activities, instructional media and online learning system by using Mean and Standard Deviation.
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Topic 1. Introduction & Objective 2. Methodology 3. Result 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Percentage, Factor Analysis, and the level of the important of design and production analysis Factor Analysisamount% Level of opinion SDlevel Learning Activities Discussion High Role Play moderate Case Study High Collaborative Learning High Experts’ Advice High High Multimedia appropriate media format High Media for content learning High High Tools and learning system The availability of tools High The availability of equipment High Internet Connection System High High The availability of Technology lesson delivery format High The availability of equipment High Internet Connection System High The availability of equipment for learning in university High High
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Learning Activity Opinion Level This figure showed the current state and the opinion about the important of learning activities
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Multimedia Opinion Level This figure showed that the current state and the opinion about the important of multimedia for learning
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Tools & LMS Opinion Level This figure showed that the current state and the opinion about the important of LMS
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Topic 1. Introduction & Objective 2. Methodology 3. Result 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion
The availability of tools Media for Content Learning Role Play, Collaborative Learning, and Experts’ Advice The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Discussion Learning Management System and Technology Support Media and Online Learning Model Online Learning Activity
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Discussion 1. Lecturers Lecturers are the most important to control the process to the aim. They should understand their duties, characteristics, and attitudes. Especially, they should know how to use the models, methods, and teaching techniques to motivate learners elaborate, wide, profound, and logical thinking.
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Discussion 2. Facilitators Facilitators are teaching assistants, instructional designers, instructional technologists, and staffs who facilitated to design, attend, motivate, and control classes. Lecturers should share the ideas, knowledge, and to propose the ideas in content learning for learners.
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Discussion 3.LMS Tools and learning system are the communication channels to communicate between teachers and learners. There are two types of the communication; closed system as e- mail, web cam, and opened system as bulletin board, discussion board, and distance conference. The appropriate communication methods will develop learners.
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Topic 1. Introduction & Objective 2. Methodology 3. Result 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Conclusion The research results can be the data base to efficiently design learning activities and using media online, and LMS for lecturers in higher education. Besides, they encourage online learning for more learning respond of learners and teachers.
The Study of University Lecturers’ Opinion in e-Learning Activity, Courseware and Learning Management System Sopark Charoensuk, Chulalongkorn University Thank You for Your Attention