Shock Doctrine and Disaster Capitalism: Naomi Klein Image taken of New Orleans in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, 2005.
Naomi Klein Canadian journalist, writer and activist best known for her critique of corporate globalization Author of No Logo (2000), an attack of brand- oriented consumer culture More recently (2007), the NY Times best-seller, Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.
Milton Friedman Economist with what has come to be known as the Chicago School of Economics Winner of Nobel Prize for Economics in 1976 Father of Neo-liberalism, an economic philosophy that favours privatization, government deregulation, and cuts to social spending
Neoliberalism Seen in the late 1970s in Pinochet’s Chile, in the 1980s in Thatcher’s Britain and Reagan’s USA (Reaganomics) Still the dominant economic model, despite economic crises since 2008 “Unfettered capitalism”
What is Disaster Capitalism? A way of describing the intersection of super- profits and mega- disasters (Klein, 10) Economic shock- treatment “Only a crisis – real or perceived – produces real change” (Friedman, preface to Capitalism and Freedom, 1982 edition)
Complete Shock Doctrine Documentary m/watch?v=7iW1SHPgU AQ m/watch?v=7iW1SHPgU AQ
RSA Animate, David Harvey’s “The Crisis of Capitalism” m/watch?v=qOP2V_np 2c0 m/watch?v=qOP2V_np 2c0
Michael Moore, Capitalism, A Love Story m/watch?v=LjsQWPUbp Pg trailer m/watch?v=LjsQWPUbp Pg
The Yes Men Fix the World m/watch?v=OazUh0Ym 8rc 57:00 m/watch?v=OazUh0Ym 8rc
How to find articles online at the Library, for next week
Conducting Research Starting from a topic or problem Exercise using Argument Essay assignment