MIKE ADAMS Freelance Journalist
How Did You Get the Gig With High Times?
Getting Into Cannabis Journalism: It Might Be Outlaw Journalism, But It Is Still Journalism. No One Cares About Your Opinion Until They Do.
Why Do You Want to Write About Weed? A friend or family member was busted for pot, and you want to lend your personal experience to ending the drug war. You’re the best cannabis grower in the world (they all are) and you want to share your genius. Maybe you’re a stoner with discriminatory taste (aka Weed Snob), and you feel like you should be a guiding light for the cannabis community… offering product reviews, etc. The angles are endless.
Ways to Play the Game Freelance: Write for any publication that will give you the time of day, take care of your monthly invoicing, pay taxes, and all the other headaches. But generate as much income as you can push yourself to earn. It’s a business. Take a JOB as a staff writer: Earn a salary, benefits. Average $30K (Colorado Magazine) Doing Both Doesn’t Work: Employers do not like the idea of an employee writing for other publications.
A Day In the Life: Morning Wake up before 6AM and begin generating story ideas. Scan press releases, etc. Discuss ideas with High Times editor in New York sometime before 7AM. Eat breakfast while waiting on my official assignments to come in. Maybe squeeze in a quick news article for another publication. Begin writing for High Times by 8AM. Set up/Conduct phone interviews, send s, etc.
A Day in the Life: Afternoon Try to finish up with High Times around 12PM. Begin working on ideas for Cannabis Now Magazine in San Francisco. Squeeze in lunch. Discuss ideas with the editor and begin writing by 1PM. Finish work for Cannabis Now by 4PM. Move on to write any special assignments that have trickled in throughout the afternoon. Try to end my day by 6pm.
A Day In the Life: Evening Decompress while taking notes on potential ideas for the next day. Also, try to come up with at least one solid magazine idea to pitch to HT, CN, Playboy, etc…Put it in my idea box. (Woody Allen) Perhaps send a letter of introduction to a magazine I’ve never published with before. Generating new business is important. (Rolling Stone) Dinner, unwind, bed… or socialize, stay out way too late, and regret it in the morning.
In Order to Be Successful Write Full Time: You will not get consistent work if you hold a regular “day job.” No publication wants to hire a writer who isn’t good enough to earn a living on his or her words. (TSM) If you truly want to write for a living, you have to sacrifice the safety net and go for it. Journalism has to become your “day job” in order for you to be competitive. Always Be Available… a strong work ethic is important.
Working for Free Do Not Work for Free. Everyone’s time is worth something. People willing to work for nothing look desperate. Assign a value to your work. Exception: Some publications will assign a first time writer a “spec” story with an agreement to pay if they decide to use it. For larger assignments, this is ok. For example: High Times offers you a “spec” deal = good. The Daily Stoner = not so much.
Digital Vs. Print Digital: This is where publishing is…and where it’s going. Even monthly magazines now publish daily content on their websites. There is a lot of work available in this area for freelancers. Print: Pays more, but the work is less frequent. Do Both or Starve: Build a daily schedule around digital content, and also make it a point to write at least one magazine article a month.
Expect to Get Fired: Freelancers are always getting fired. So always be prepared to find a new job.
Time for Questions 1.How Do You Improve Your Skills? 2.Is It Dangerous to Do Cannabis News? 3.Are You on a FBI or DEA List? 4.Have You Faced Trouble With the Law? 5.Are You Accepted in Social Settings After People Find Out What You Do for a Living?