Grading The Second Layer FRONT (picture) Colored 3 points Labeled 2 points BACK (crossword puzzle) sweat 1 point temperature 1 point water 1 point layer 1 point epidermis 1 point dermis 1 point cools 1 point follicles 1 point vessels 1 point sun 1 point TOTAL ____/15 EXTRA CREDIT Research 1 point each Bonus I WILL GRADE CB: __________________________________________
S Parts K Functions I Care N Problems Foldable: SKIN Title Foldable – SKIN Subtitles – Parts, Functions, Care, Problems Cut each fold on front. Color/Decorate cover for homework with 3 or more colors. Due Tomorrow! GLUE IT ON Page 89 all the way to the right!
SKIN - Parts PARTS – page 122 There are 3 layers of the skin. 1) EPIDERMIS: outermost/top layer. skin color - melanin hair pores-tiny openings in the skin. sweat & hair come out through here. dead cells (75% of dust is skin) growth layer – new skin Surface area = 2 square yards, 5 ½ lbs 2) DERMIS: second layer, middle, largest layer (4x thicker) blood vessel - carry blood to the surface of the skin to give it nourishment it needs nerve endings - feelings/pain hair follicles - small sacs in the dermis that produce hair. 5 million hairs 100,000 on your head sweat glands -releases water to control your body temperature 3 million sweat glands oil glands (sebaceous gland)-produce oil to keep skin soft and prevent cracking and dryness 3) FAT (SUBCUTANEOUS) TISSUE
SKIN - Functions FUNCTIONS – page 123 Skin is the largest organ in your body! The skin has many important functions. Waterproofing – skin keeps H20 out of the body. Vitamin D Formation – your skin uses the suns light to produce small amounts of Vitamin D – which helps build strong bones and teeth. - milk & calcium - osteoporosis (soft bones) Protection – skin protects you against germs and injuries - like armor - if we didn’t have skin our insides would shrivel up like raisins Temperature Control – blood vessels in the skin enable your body to retain and/or release heat and perspiration (sweat) helps keep your body cool. - Normal body temperature = 98.6 degrees - thermostat Sensation – the skin contains nerve endings that give you information about touch and temperature.
SKIN - Care CARE – page 124 Taking care of your skin can help you feel good about yourself. Here are some skin care tips: 1) Keep Clean (summarize paragraph in your own words) 2) Eat properly and stay physically active 3) Protect yourself from the sun. 4) If you’re going to be in the sun, wear sunscreen and reapply it every hour. 5) Avoid body decoration such as tattoos and piercings.
SKIN - Problems PROBLEMS – page 123 The biggest skin problem for teens is acne. ACNE: Skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin, and/or dirt. Care for Acne: (write 2 sentences) Types of Acne and How they Form: Pimples (red, swollen, bump) Whitehead (clogged pore with sebum (oil) and dead skin cells – pus) Blackhead (whitehead is exposed to air and hardens)
Grading SKIN Project Doors: S, K, I, N 4 points Colored 4 points (S) Door: Labeled Parts 1 point Three Definitions 3 points (K) Door: Labeled Functions 1 point 5 Functions 5 points (I) Door: Labeled Care 1 point 5 Care Tips 5 points (N) Door: Labeled Problems 1 point 3 types of Acne 3 points Neatness: No wrinkles/tears 2 points TOTAL POINTS EARNED 30 Points _______