Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 1-1- Social Policy & Health Social Policy & Health The new Social Policy Agenda Green Paper on Demographic Change Update - Open Method of Coordination European Health Insurance Card, Reg. 1408/71 The employment dimension of care The renewed Lisbon strategy Health & safety at work EPHA Seminar, June 2005 Roland BLADH, EMPL-E4 - Social protection: Pensions and health
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 2-2- Co-ordination of Social security Regulation 1408/71 etc. European Health Insurance Card Workshop, EHIC Perspectives, June, Brussels Tel:
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 3-3- Social Agenda The new Social Agenda has two key priority areas, –(i) employment, and –(ii) fight poverty & promote equal opportunities The Agenda calls for partnerships between public authorities at local, regional and national level, employer and worker representatives and NGOs.
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 4-4- Social Agenda Under (ii) - fighting poverty and promoting equal opportunities, the Agenda will focus on: –Analyse impact of ageing populations and future relations between generations, by launching Green Paper on demography –Support Member States in tackling poverty & exclusion, and in reforming pensions and health care & long-term care –Tackle discrimination and inequality –Foster equal opportunities between women & men –Clarify the role of Social & Health Services of General Interest
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 5-5- Green Paper Demographic Change “Confronting demographic change: a new solidarity between the generations” COM(2005) 94 Analyse impact of ageing populations and future relations between generations The need for creating a new solidarity among the generations: –Integrate the young in education/employment –Life-cycle strategies - family, education, work –A new place for elderly in economy & society –Promoting solidarity with the frail very old
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 6-6-
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 7-7- Main policy questions raised in GP Should the European Union be promoting exchanges and regular analysis of demographic change and its impact on societies and policies concerned? Should the Union’s financial instruments – particularly the Structural Funds – take better account of these changes? And if so, how? How could the exiting European coordination of employment and social protection policies better take on board demographic change? How can European social dialogue contribute to a better management of demographic change? How can Civil Society and Civil Dialogue bring young and old people together? How can demographic change be made an integral part of all the Union’s internal and external policies?
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 8-8- Follow up to the Green Paper Public consultation until 15 October Conference in Brussels, July The Commission will present a synthesis of the contributions received, end of 2005 A Commission Communication to be issued beginning of 2006, to take stock of contributions received and findings from studies, and to suggest policy initiatives A second conference is planned for summer 2006
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales 9-9- Modernising Social Protection 1992, Council Recommendation: Converge social protection objectives and polices 1999, Communication: A concerted strategy for Modernising Social Protection Four key objectives: promote social inclusion; make pensions safe and sustainable; make work pay and provide secure income; ensure high quality, sustainable, health care.
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales Health care & care for elderly 2001, Communication: The future of Health care and Care for the elderly - access, quality & finance 2003: Joint report by Commission & Council with synthesis of national replies , Communication: Proposal to support national strategies using open method of coordination (OMC) Oct. 2004: Council endorsed use of OMC Spring 2005: National Preliminary Statements Nov. 2005, Communication: Propose new integrated/ 'streamlined' OMC for social protection Spring 2006: SPC and European Council decide Autumn 2006: National reports
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales The employment dimension of care The care sector - a dynamic part of the European economy % of total new jobs occurred in the health and social sector, more than 2 million jobs Accounts for almost 10% of the total employment European Social Fund
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales
Commission européenne Emploi & affaires sociales For more information: Roland BLADH European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Social protection: Pensions and health (Unit EMPL-E4) E Telephone: (0)