Workshop 5 – Territorial connectivity for individuals, communities and enterprises SeGI – Services of General Interest Alois Humer (PP UNIVIE) ESPON Internal.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop 5 – Territorial connectivity for individuals, communities and enterprises SeGI – Services of General Interest Alois Humer (PP UNIVIE) ESPON Internal Seminar 2013 “Territorial Evidence for Cohesion Policy and Territorial Agenda 2020”

„Improving territorial connectivity for individuals, communities and enterprises“ Territorial Agenda 2020 Priority 5 TA2020-Priority5 & SGI 2 (35) We believe that fair and affordable accessibility to services of general interest, information, knowledge and mobility are essential for territorial cohesion. Providing services and minimising infrastructure barriers can improve competitiveness, and the sustainable and harmonious territorial development of the EU. […] (36) […] Development of secondary networks is important, especially at regional and local level. We encourage the accessibility of urban centres in peripheries where a combination of social and economic disadvantages can result in the segregation of vulnerable groups. […] „Fair access to SGI“ … „irrespective of the place of living“ … „fully participating“ … „quality of living“ cf. EC Green Paper 2003, EC White Paper 2004, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (art.36), EU Treaty (prot.26) issue of accessibility special role of ICT & mobility SGI 2 shared points of the agenda:

EU-coined term; Treaty of Rome 1957: ’Services of General Economic Interest’ Multitude of EU docs & EC communications Attached to:  EU citizens’ fundamental rights  European Model of Society  European Single Market  Territorial Cohesion No EU-wide definition; single member states declare the ’general interest’. Services of General Interest (SGI) – at a glance 3 Services of General Interest SOCIAL Services of General Interest EducationHealth & careLabour marketSocial housing Services of General ECONOMIC Interest Technical infrastructure Water, waste, energy, electricity, transportation Communication infrastructure Postal, broadcast, telecom, internet

Q1: Where can infrastructural barriers be found that impair Europe’s competitiveness as well as its sustainable and harmonious territorial development? 4 barriers-WHERE as a question of location: regional SGI typologies I.) SGEI high ranked infrastructure broadband access business surrounding public expenditures on econ.

Q1: Where can infrastructural barriers be found that impair Europe’s competitiveness as well as its sustainable and harmonious territorial development? 5 barriers-WHERE as a question of location: regional SGI typologies II.) SSGI educational facilities health care facilities public expenditures on edu. public expenditures on care

Q1: Where can infrastructural barriers be found that impair Europe’s competitiveness as well as its sustainable and harmonious territorial development? 6 barriers-WHERE as a question of location: regional SGI typologies III.) SGEI x SSGI

Q1: Where can infrastructural barriers be found that impair Europe’s competitiveness as well as its sustainable and harmonious territorial development? 7 barriers-WHERE as a question of administrative/planning aspects: political SGI typologies on the modes of (S)SGI organisation Social welfare aspectsAdministrative planning aspects Production "P" Financing "F" Level of responsibility "R" Territorial organisation "T" nationalexplicit regionalimplicit local no/ obsolete no/ individual familial/ voluntary/ other private/ commercial public

Q1: Where can infrastructural barriers be found that impair Europe’s competitiveness as well as its sustainable and harmonious territorial development? 8 barriers-WHERE as a question of administrative/planning aspects: political SGI typologies on the modes of (S)SGI organisation

Q2: What are the opportunities and challenges for improving territorial connectivity for individuals, communities and enterprises in Europe? 9 Better territorial connectivity [~access-to-SGI] through explicit territorially oriented policy  opportunities and challenges lie within the roles of national spatial/ regional planning and European Territorial Cooperation e.g. central places, polycentricity; SGI provision across borders Better European-wide territorial organisation of SGI through harmonisation?  opportunities and challenges lie within the issue of subsidiarity in SGI competences [~equal-rules-on-SGI-standards] e.g. transnational providers, interoperability of systems (such as education, health insurance, infrastructure) Better territorial connectivity through ICT & mobility SGI  opportunity for lagging-behind regions to catch-up/ connect

Q3: What additional territorial evidence do policy makers need in this context? quantitative respect: There can never be enough indicators! SGI: esp. lack of data on quality & affordability standards. …in qualitative respect: To get case-wise knowledge about the complexity in practice! SGI: esp. lack of the users’ perspective & policy modes across European countries …in conceptual respect: To get knowledge about the complexity as a whole! SGI: contexts, drivers, systems’ view. …to better interpret indicators …to draw better conclusions out of single cases