ENoP – EUROPEAN NETWORK OF POLITICAL FOUNDATIONS INDEPENDENT ACTORS IN DEMOCRACY PROMOTION, DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AND POLITICAL DIALOGUE Rue d´Arlon 15, B-1050 Brussels ● Tel: ● ● Network Coordinator: Mr Anne de Boer ● Deputy Network Coordinator and Project Director: Mrs Andrea E. Ostheimer This project is co-funded by the European Commission A project implemented by Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung e.V. and the partners Alfred Mozer Stichting CEVRO Eduardo Frei Stichting Fondation Jean-Jaurès Fondazione Magna Carta Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Friedrich-Naumann- Stiftung Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Heinrich Böll Stiftung ISTAME Institute for Strategic and Development Studies LIBERALES Politische Akademie Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung And by the associate: Catdem Fundació Catalanista i Demòcrata 2014 European Parliament Elections May 2014 EUROPE MATTERS, VOTE FOR IT! An initiative of the ENoP Working Group Citizenship
Outline About the European Parliament (EP) EP after the Lisbon Treaty: “more power, more responsibility” Your Voice & the EP Political Groups of the European Parliament - 7th legislature Voting Rights and Eligibility. Voting abroad ENoP information campaign towards 2014 EP elections
About the European Parliament (EP) 1. What is the EP? 2. Main functions 3. Organisation and work
Europe matters How EP elections impact our lives? -ERASMUS+ programme aimed at funding over 4 million young people to train or study abroad in the EU -Regulation on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the EU - European Health Insurance Card giving access to state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in the EU, Iceland, Lichtenstein,Norway and Switzerland
Your Voice & the EP 1) European Ombudsman -Complaints to the work of EC, EPSO, EP, etc. 2) Petitions - ACTA 3) European citizens' initiative - Right2Water!
What are political foundations? What are their activities? What is their role in relation to the European Parliament elections? The role of Political Foundations
Political Groups of the European Parliament - 7 th legislature The composition of the European Parliament after the 2009 elections Seats: 766 MEPs
Group of the European People's Party - EPP (Christian Democrats) MEPs: 265 (2009) Score: 36 % Official Website:
Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament (S & D) MEPs: 184 (2009) Score: 25 % Official Website:
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)
Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance (the GREENS/EFA) MEPs: 55 (2009) Score: 7,5 % Official Website:
The European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) MEPs: 54 (2009) Score: 7.3 % Official website:
Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) MEPs: 35 (2009) Score: 4.8 % Official website:
Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) MEPs: 32 (2009) Score: 4.3 % Official website:
Voting Rights and Eligibility. Voting abroad EU citizens may exercise their right to vote and to stand as a candidate either in the EU country of residence or in their home country (Act: Council Directive 93/109/EC of 6 December 1993). It is ultimately a matter for each EU country to determine which persons are its nationals. No one may vote more than once or stand as a candidate in more than one EU country. To prevent double voting and double candidacy, EU countries must exchange information on citizens registered to vote or to stand as a candidate.
Voting Rights and Eligibility To have the choice of voting in more than one EU member state Getting on the electoral roll Conditions to vote Standing as a candidate Conditions to stand as a candidate Compulsory voting: Belgium, Cyprus, Greece and Luxembourg
THANK YOU THANK YOU! Presentation by ENoP Working Group Citizenship