The impact of health care reform on minority populations The Massachusetts Health Disparities Council April 27, 2009
2 Mission: To promote health care coverage across the state. The Connector is accomplishing this mission by: Developing Commonwealth Care: A government-subsidized health insurance for qualified uninsured individuals whose family income is 0% - 300% of FPL. Developing Commonwealth Choice: A non-subsidized health insurance for small groups and individuals. Policy responsibilities: o Defining “minimum creditable coverage” o Determining “affordability”: In turn determines exemptions from the individual mandate.
3 Source: DHCFP. Health Care in Massachusetts: Key Indicators. Jan 2008 Survey conducted January through July of 2007.
4 Source: DHCFP. Health Care in Massachusetts: Key Indicators. Feb 2009
5 March 2009 Enrollment
6 Plan Type Enrollment
7 Enrollment History (as of 3/1/09) Increase in Enrollment starting in December of 2008
8 Health Disparities Advisory Committee 7 members with representatives from DHFP, DPH, MassHealth, BPHC, an MMCO, and a minority health advocacy organization began meeting quarterly in June 2007
9 Health Disparities Advisory Committee The advisory committee identified two areas of focus: Race, Ethnicity & Data (REL) Collection Outreach & Communications
10 Race, Ethnicity & Language (REL) Data Collection Examined REL data in CommCare Examined how different agencies throughout the state are collecting REL data Contributed to the QCC / Brookings Institution’s efforts
11 Outreach & Communications Quarterly meeting with advocates Participate in MassHealth Training Forums (MTF) Work closely with EOHHS grant recipients
12 Outreach & Communications work with community-based organizations to create materials for target specific populations E-learning modules (English and Spanish): –45 minute web-based modules for CommCare outreach workers and for the general public Connector media placements –e.g. TV: Univision/Telefutura
13 An example of our outreach and Communications efforts: Open Enrollment: May 25 – June 25, 2009 The CommCare program staff going statewide in order to communicate changes: –February Reviewed materials and communication approach with 7 community based organizations –March Presentation with Mass. League of CHCs Connector workshop w/Network Grantees –April Presentations at statewide MTF sessions –May Western Health Access Network - Amherst Health Care for All
16 Outreach & Communications Enrollment Materials –Designed by Maximus Center for Health and Literacy Conducted focus groups to ensure accessibility Printed English and Spanish Improvements to our customer call center –increased # of bilingual CSRs –decreased call wait times Commonwealth Care Fact Sheets –Translated to: Spanish, European & Brazilian Portuguese, Vietnamese, Chinese (traditional), Haitian Creole, Russian, Khmer, Lao –Download PDFs from:
17 Looking ahead Address the newly adopted changes from the QCC Continue to work with other stakeholders –community organizations –MMCOs –health insurers –MassHealth Research