Study Abroad in Law
What is Study Abroad? Chance to spend part of your degree studying at a partner university overseas Law with International Study Law with European Study
Why Study Abroad? Discover a new culture and see your own culture differently Develop self-reliance Learn new language skills Meet new people Study different things in a different way Impress employers
So how does it work? Spend third year abroad of four-year programme Take equivalent of 120 Exeter credits Marks from partner university are converted to Exeter mark
Law with International Study Common law countries All English-speaking Comparative dissertation Logs on each module 2:1 to apply Places selected at interview
Law with International Study destinations Wollongong ConnecticutSMU SingaporeCarleton, OttawaGriffith NLSIU Bangalore
Law with European Study Mostly Roman law countries Usually not an English- speaking country No comparative dissertation or logs 2:2 to apply Erasmus grant
Law with European Study destinations Bilbao (Spanish) Aix-en- Provence (French) Paris (French) Szeged (English) Bologna (Italian) Madrid (Spanish) Dublin (English) Dresden (German) Münster (German) Maastricht (English) Akureyri (English) Wroclaw (English) Hamburg (German) Geneva (French)
Minimum requirements Must have a 2:1 average for Law with International Study Must have a 2:2 for Law with European Study If studying in a language other than English, must have reached Advanced level in FLC
Money Housing Travel Health insurance Visas Within Europe receive Erasmus grant
Tuition fees No tuition fees to host University Normal fee for one- semester students Fee of £1350 for Home/EU full-year students 50% fee for full-year International students
How to Apply for Law with International Study Application forms are at studyabroad studyabroad Deadline is 11 th November Interviews in November/December
How to Apply for Law with European Study Application forms are at studyabroad studyabroad Deadline is 20 th January Places allocated by first- year marks