Belgrade Investment Days September 2015 Belgrade
The Belgrade Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit business association which represents the interests of more than 100,000 businesses (companies and small entrepreneurs) on the territory of Belgrade, representing nearly a half of the entire Serbian business community. There are nine Associations in the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, covering all economic sectors: agriculture and food, industry, construction Industry and utility services, trade and services, transportation and telecommunications, tourism and catering, financial organisations, information technologies and creative industry.
Representation of the interests of the business community in its relations with local, national and European authorities. Supporting business growth, whether in business creation, takeover or transfer, human resources or regulation Belgrade Chamber of Commerce’s consultants support businesses in their local or international development. Education & trainings Promotion of R&D (research and development) and innovations, in cooperation with educational and scientific institutions. Providing technical and advisory support to entrepreneurs Promotion of the economy by organizing trade fairs, forums and conferences. Organizing of B2B meetings for businessmen.
Belgrade possesses significant potentials in all sectors, and is consequently a modern city suitable for living and work. With approximately 1.6 million of inhabitants (21% of total population in Serbia) and more that 50,000 employees, Belgrade is not only a headquarters of the state administration and institutions, but also a trade, industrial, transportation, financial, tourism, cultural, scientific, and educational centre. The structure of the industry shows the dominant share of industry, trade, transportation, telecommunications and construction. With 39.9% share in GDP and more than 25% of total employees in Serbia, Belgrade has a crucial effect on the economy of entire country. Potentials of investing in Belgrade
Belgrade Chamber of Commerce has collected 29 project: 21 belong to the building industry: 10 projects belong to Public Utility Company (recontruction), construction of hunting ammunition factory, contruction of mineral water factory, sales location, adaptation of commercial building, contruction plot and constuction of storages, adaptation of textile factory agricultural sector: 4 projects - reconstruction and equiping meet industry - upgrading of fodder factory - cleaning of forests from illegal garbage dumpt - farm for production of feedlot industrial sector: 2 projects - construction of mini hydro power plants - construction of energy sources and reconstruction of industrial water supply tourism sector: 2 projects - hotel reconstruction - implenatation of river information system
Strategic geographical location Duty free import in coutries from the South East Europe and Russia The lowest income tax rate in Europe of 15% Educated and skilled labor force available on competitive costs Financial support to investors – loans and benefits for Greenfield investments Incentive for creators of employment environment Source: SIEPA INVEST IN SERBIA? Tax rates Value added tax Standard rate – 20% Special rate – 10% Social security contributions Pension and Disability Insurance – 14% Health insurance – 5.5% Unemployment insurance – 0.75% Legal persons Income tax15% Tax on dividends, shares in profit, royalties, interests and capital gains 20% Corporate profit tax Bulgaria 10% Serbia 15% 15% Romania 16% Czech Republic 19% Poland 19% Hungary 19% Croatia 20% Slovakia 23%
For all aditional information please contact: BELGRADE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Centre for Public Private Partnership and Project Management Ms Tatjana Dijan, Head