Palliative Care Worldwide from villages to metropolis Katalin Muszbek MD. Hungarian Hospice Foundation
Palliatvive care development in Eastern – European Region Poland – first steps at the 70es Jaczek Luczak – key person Regional PC education in Poland with international faculty British model From 90es - activities of the hospice groups in the region
Palliative Care in Hungary Since 1991 – start of the Hungarian hospice movement: first palliative care group: Hungarian Hospice Foundation
Strenghts of Palliative Care in Hungary Well orgaized care based on minimum standards Legal backround, strong policy High public awareness International training resource centre
Strengths - clinical activities Well organized PC services Activities only on minimum standards PC guideline
Strengths - legal background Hospice paragraph in the health law – 1997 Regulation on PC – 2004 Palliative Care Development Project – collaboration with National Health Insurance Fund – 2004 PC is a part of National Cancer Control Program
Strengths - public relations High public awareness Publicity campaignes since 2000 High media representation in 2007 more than 100 publications, interviews in electronic and written media Programs for children
Strengths - education Budapest is an International Training Resource Centre Open Society Institute Conferences for Eastern Central European PC professionals – 2003, 2004, countries 40 hours PC courses for Eastern European region and former Sowjet Union countries
Weeknesses of PC in Eastern-Europe PC sevices are not awailable all over the country Lack of PC training of physicians Low – scarce financial resources
Weeknesses – PC services PC services are not awailable all over the country White spots of care 225 PC beds – WHO recommends 500 for 10 million population
Weeknesses - education Medical curriculum without PC issues 6000 hours of whole curriculum – less than 200 on symptom controll, on death and dying,on breaking bad news No PC specialisation for physicians Low motivation of physicians for PC
Weeknesses - finance Low financial resources NHIF covers 50% of the budgets of PC services Donation is not traditional Few grants on PC topic
Where is Hungary now? Increased number of PC services (2x) Legal development: (2004) - minimum standards of palliative care - Ministry of Health decree on finance Finance: financial demonstration project for palliative care (NHIF) (2004) Second part of this year new opportunities for extending PC - NHIF support
Where is Hungary now? National development plan : integraton of Palliative Care into the National Health System (new reform)(2006) Palliative care and psychosocial care became an integrated part of National Cancer Control Program (2006)
However… PC is not awailable all over the country Scarce of training and interest of physicians to PC Low state fund and lack of donation are barriers for further development
Conclusion Further lobby is needed for increase number of PC services and to involve more physicians New approach – to influence attitude of children toward end of life and solidarity: FIELDS OF HOPE project since 2007