Catherine Bonn Tyler Crimm Alexander Embiricos Tom McLaughlin Joey Zwicker
Positioning Statement For real estate agents who seek to offer a wider range of services to their clients, TopPrice offers a complete web service including a new auction mechanism which enables realtors to quickly and efficiently reach the optimum price between the buyers and the seller. Unlike the traditional methods employed by today's realtors (list price, offer, counter-offer, etc.), our product ensures that the person who values the property the most is able to acquire it, enabling the realtor to effortlessly increase his client capacity and commission.
Traditional Real Estate Top Price 1.Discover Property 2.Contact Realtor 3.View Premises 4.Buyer places Initial Offer 5.Seller Counter Offers 6.Buyer Places Counter Offer 7.Rinse and Repeat 8.House Sold 1.Discover Property 2.Contact Realtor 3.View Premises 4.Place Bids on TopPrice 5.Auction Commences- House is sold 6.Save Time and Money 7.Save Countless Headaches 8.Buy Yourself A Cookie Real Estate Methodology
The TopPrice Clock Auction Time Price 3:00 Auction Start 4:304:003:305:00 Auction End Start Price End Price Phase 1 Buyer 1 Buyer 2 Buyer 3 Buyer 4 Phase 2
Market Opportunity $57B High Demand Commercial Properties Commercial Real Estate $330B Total Real Estate Market $5B
Go To Market Strategy Individual realtors Small real estate offices Corporate Partners Founder Networks Sales Force Referral system Direct Sales
Business model Individual $120/month Group of 5+ $110/month Group of 10+ Ex-Beta Tester $90/month Member of Partner Franchise $75/month -$10/month Referral Discount Subscription Based Pricing Tiers
Risk Analysis Team Capital Market Technology Five founders More difficult to agree on large company decisions Less equity for each person Slow adoption into industry Building initial user base Adoption by small franchises Obtaining corporate partnerships Low Risk License required IP Marketing costs exceed projections Meetings milestones to obtain Series A funding
Timeline Phase 1 1 Month Code Product Angel Funding- $1.2M Phase 2 3 Months Beta Testing Phase 3 13 Months Launch Paid Service Phase 4 To Infinity and Beyond Franchises / Corporate Partners Venture Funding- $2M
Projected Cash Flow Employees 81013
Projected User Growth