Apostrophes Presidential Years during Mrs. Harris’ Lifetime Quiz 1 5 Points
How to Deal with Apostrophes in Regards to Years
’08 Class of 2011 Class of ’11 ’
Use apostrophes correctly with the use of numbers.
Mrs. Harris was born in 66. 1
Mrs. Harris was born in ’66. 1
Lyndon B. Johnson was President then, but since she was born in the 60s, she doesn’t remember him. 2
Lyndon B. Johnson was President then, but since she was born in the 60’s, she doesn’t remember him. 2
For the next slide... apostrophe use or just use the entire year?
Hubert Humphrey served as Johnson’s Vice President from Mrs. Harris’ aunt owned the Hubert Humphrey house in Doland, South Dakota. 3
Hubert Humphrey served as Johnson’s Vice President from Mrs. Harris’ aunt owned the Hubert Humphrey house in Doland, South Dakota. 3
In 69, Richard Nixon was elected to the presidency of the U.S. 4
In ’69, Richard Nixon was elected to the presidency of the U.S. 4
Nixon resigned in 74 due to wiretapping the Democrats in the Watergate Hotel. 5
Nixon resigned in ’74 due to wiretapping the Democrats in the Watergate Hotel. 5
Prior to that, Nixon’s Vice President, Spiro Agnew had resigned in 73 due to bribery charges, so Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to replace him. 6
Prior to that, Nixon’s Vice President, Spiro Agnew had resigned in ’73 due to bribery charges, so Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to replace him. 6
Gerald Ford served as U.S. President from 74-77; the only modern president who was not directly elected by the people. 7
Gerald Ford served as U.S. President from ; the only modern president who was not directly elected by the people. 7
Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer from Georgia, served as a one term Democratic President from
Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer from Georgia, served as a one-term Democratic President from
During Carter’s term in the late 70s, Mrs. Harris, then near what your age is now, remember a drought. 9
During Carter’s term in the late ’70s, Mrs. Harris, then near your age, remember a drought. 9
Republicans controlled the White House in the 80s. 10
Republicans controlled the White House in the 80’s. 10
Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush served in the White House during Mrs. Harris’ high school and college years,
Ronald Reagan the George HW Bush served in the White House during Mrs. Harris’ high school and college years,
Like Carter, HW Bush served as a one-term Republican President from until Bill Clinton defeated him. 12
Like Carter, HW Bush served as a one term Republican President from until Bill Clinton defeated him. 12
Democratic President Bill Clinton served from
Democratic President Bill Clinton from
Republican President George W. Bush served from 01 until
Republican President George W. Bush served from ’01 until ’09. 14
Democrat Barack Obama was sworn into presidential power in
Democrat Barack Obama was sworn into presidential power in ’09. 15
Mrs. Harris has always voted for president. Within two presidential elections cycles, most of you will get to vote too! Always vote. It’s a precious right of being an American!