facebook O.J. Simpson is preparing for his first professional football game! WallPhotosFlairBoxesO.J. SimpsonLogout View photos of O.J. Simpson (5) Send O.J. a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Miami, FL Birthday: July 9, 1947 Political: Democrat Religion: None Hometown: San Francisco, California Friends F. Bailey Robert Shapiro J. CochranC. Douglas O.J. Simpson I can’t believe I’m the No. 1 overall pick in the NFL Draft! May 5, 1969 Robert K. O.J. Simpson Did you hear who the Heisman trophy winner was? March 15, 1968 O.J. Simpson IT’S A BOY! I now have another child…Jason April 21, 1970 O.J. Simpson Met this girl working at a restaurant, she seems great! June 8, 1977 O.J. Simpson Getting Married!!! February 2, 1985 O.J. Simpson wish my marriages could go better…seems like everything is falling apart February 25, 1992 Barry Scheck
Personal Information WallPhotosFlairBoxesOJ SimpsonLogout View photos of OJ (5) Send OJ a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Miami, FL Birthday: July 9, 1947 Political: Democrat Religion: None Hometown: San Francisco, California Photos Networks: Miami FL Sex: Male Birthday: July 9, 1947 Hometown: San Francisco, California Relationship Status: Was married to Nicole Brown Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: None Activities: Kidnapping, armed robbery, acting, and murder Interests: Football, golfing, women, smoking, drinking Favorite Music: Ode to the Ghetto Favorite Movies: The towering inferno Favorite TV Shows: Hawaii 5-0 Favorite Books: How I helped O.J. get away with murder The Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums On the Field Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 9450 SW 112th Street Miami, FL USA Phone Number: The Juice
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesOJ SimpsonLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of OJ 7 Photos OJ’s Albums 2 Photo Albums The Family 1 photo The Crime Scene 1 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo O.J. Simpson is preparing to tell how “innocent” he is!