By: Ryan Johnson
May 21, 1960-November 28, Born in West Allis, Wisconsin. Moved to Bath, Ohio when he was 8. Dahmer became a social outcast between the ages of He would ride his bike around the neighborhood looking for road kill to bring home and dissect. Soon after this stage, Dahmer turned to alcohol and was a severe alcoholic by graduation. He attended one quarter at Ohio State University, before dropping out because of missing classes. He was intoxicated the majority of the time.
Dahmer’s father forced Jeffery to enlist in the Army. He did very well at first, but two years later, he was discharged because of his alcoholism. He was given a plane ticket to anywhere in the country, and chose to go to Miami Beach, Florida. He claimed he was “tired of the cold”, but later stated he was afraid to face his father. He spent most of his time in the hospital, but was kicked out for his excessive drinking. Returned to his home in 1981, and was arrested for the first time for drunk and disorderly conduct.
When he was released, he returned to West Allis and moved in with his grandmother. His grandmother started noticed strange behaviors, and found a fully dressed male mannequin in his closet. In another instance, she smelt horrible smells from the basement in which he had dissolved a squirrel with chemicals. In 1982 and 1986 he was arrested twice more for indecent exposure, the second time was for masturbating in front of two boys. His grandmother asked him to move out, and he moved to the west side of Milwaukee into his own apartment. One day after moving into his new apartment, he was arrested for drugging and sexually abusing a 13 year old boy. Along with having to register as a sex offended, he was given 5 years probation and one year in a work release camp.
Dahmer committed his first murder in 1978 at the age of 18. He was left alone, and had picked up a hitchhiker to come and drink with him, eventually planning to have sex with him. When the man decided to leave, Dahmer used a 10 lb dumbbell and beat him to death on the back of his head. Dahmer buried him in his backyard. It was 9 years until his next murder.
In May 1990, Dahmer moved out of his grandmothers for the last time, and into the apartment at 213, 924 North 25th Street, Milwaukee. Dahmer continued to murder sporadically. Usually picking up his victims at gay bars and having sex with them before he killed them. On May 27, 1991, Konerak Sinthasomphone (by coincidence, the younger brother of the boy whom Dahmer had molested when arrested) was found highly drugged wandering naked in the street, bleeding from his rectum. The police were alerted. When they arrived, Dahmer claimed that he was his 19 year-old boyfriend. The police believed him, and released the 14 year old boy to Dahmer. Later that night, Dahmer murdered and dissembled the body. Police later recalled a terrible smell in his apartment, that they had not investigated. This smell was his previous victim rotting in his bedroom. Dahmer picked up his pace, and was averaging a murder a week.
Dahmer was arrested when one of his victims retaliated, and escaped out of his apartment. He ran through the streets and waved down a police car. When the police arrived at the apartment, Dahmer acted friendly to them at first. The victim remembered the knife that he had been threatened with, and asked the police to check the bedroom. When they checked the room, they found pictures of Dahmer’s victims on the wall. They immediately arrested him. As they continued to search the apartment, they found dissembled body parts throughout.
Stephen Hicks Steven Tuomi James Toxtator Richard guerrereo Anthony Sears Eddie Smith Ricky Beeks Ernest Miller Joeseph Bradehoft David Thomas Curtis Staughter Errol Lindsey Tony Hughes Konerak Sinthasomphone Matt Turner Jeremiah Weinburger Oliver Lacey
He was sentenced 15 terms of life in prison. He suffered from necrophilia. Takes away persons free will to make decisions on certain things. age=1 age=1