In 2012,You will be lucky, healthy ! 在 2012 年 ( 龍年 ) ,你會幸運、健康! Lucky 1.


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Presentation transcript:

In 2012,You will be lucky, healthy ! 在 2012 年 ( 龍年 ) ,你會幸運、健康! Lucky 1





Happy new year 2012 The dragon year 6

Happy new year 2012 The dragon year 7


Happy new year 2012 The dragon year 9


2012 A warm year 11


The dragon year 14


Don’t forget this is the dragon year. 16


It’s a beautiful year. 18

All wishes come true in 心想事成 19

Which day is your birthday ? 20

Don’t forget our date. 21

The dragon is coming behind……………………….. 22

Happy new year 2012 The dragon year 23

The dragon year. 24

The dragon year 25

We wish……………………… 26

2012 The dragon year 27



李常生 Eddie Lee 12/30/2011 All photos from internet Happy new year 2012 The dragon year 30