WHY TNN IS DIFFERENT 1.Focuses on issues, not ideology. 2.Investigates the facts, finds solutions. 3.Finds and builds the common ground. 4.Citizens actually select and elect true public servants. 5. Inclusive – only those disliking real democracy will want to dissociate themselves. 6. None can claim it is biased. By its very structure, it truly forms and proclaims the public will. SUMMARY 2 TNN
WHY TNN IS DIFFERENT 1.Ideology divides us and leads to no constructive activity. 2.We start by embracing an issue. What is the problem? What do we think it is? What do we fear? What are our different views of it? 3.Then we pursue the facts. We reframe the issue for what it really is, thus we understand the real problem. 4.Then we develop and evaluate each potential solution. 5.Either we find a solution agreeable to the vast majority of us, or we don’t. If we do, we implement it. If we don’t, we accept that, drop the issue, and move on. FOCUSES ON ISSUES, NOT IDEOLOGY 3 TNN
WHY IS TNN DIFFERENT? 1.Because TNN organizes the entire citizenry for constructive participation, we have the resources to properly investigate our important public issues. 2.We use task forces to investigate, to find what’s true and what is not. We thus bring forth the information needed to make good public decisions. 3.The “bigger issues” will be investigated by many task forces, each commissioned by a cluster of neighborhoods. 4.This investigative redundancy helps assure we arrive at the full set of facts, and helps reveal the best solutions. INVESTIGATES FACTS, FINDS SOLUTIONS 4 TNN
WHY IS TNN DIFFERENT? 1.TNN puts our citizenry, ourselves, into the governing role. As public problems become evident, the burden is upon us to understand the essence of those problems and to find solutions agreeable to the vast majority of us. 2.As we so deal with issue after issue, we build our common ground – delivering policy mandates to the legislatures and executive departments. 3. That, and nothing less, is real democracy! BUILDS THE COMMON GROUND 5 TNN
WHY TNN IS DIFFERENT 1.Duties, limits and resources of each public office are studied 2.Agenda/mandates are developed for each 3.Capable public servants are identified 4.TNN gets them elected 5.In office, their performance is monitored 6.Money & Media become irrelevant 7.Thus, citizens actually select and elect true public servants SELECTS and ELECTS 6 TNN
WHY TNN IS DIFFERENT 1.Inclusive – only those disliking real democracy will dissociate themselves from TNN. 2.It’s the vehicle for responsible citizens to come together and participate in “rule by the people.” 3.Viewpoints and proposals are examined, then adopted or rejected. 4.Where we agree, the item is part of our common ground. 5.Where we differ, we accept that we differ. 6.We don’t reject people, just ideas we don’t hold in common. IT’S INCLUSIVE 7 TNN
WHY TNN IS DIFFERENT 1.Since it is inclusive and directly addresses the practical issues of public concern, it truly forms the public will. 2.None can claim TNN is ideologically biased. All viewpoints are valid as starting points. All persons, regardless of political orientation, participate. 3.The facts and the consensus judgment of the citizenry drive the activity and action of the TNN. NON-BIASED 8 TNN