Greek Contributions to Democracy Ch 1.1
Early Governments Cities were fairly isolated due to terrain Two forms of government evolve: monarchy and aristocracy –Monarchy-power is centrally held by king or queen –Aristocracy- power is held by wealthy nobles Two major cities evolve very different forms of government: Sparta and Athens
The Spartans
Spartan Model Two kings and a council of elders who advise them Assembly made up of all citizens who approves major decisions Citizen= male, native, 30+ years old Assembly elects 5 ephors (officials) who run day to day affairs
Athenian Model Tyrant= person who gains power by force. Tyranny reduced power of aristocracy who ruled Athens through reforms Early democracy, council of 500 chosen at random from all citizens, prepare laws for assembly, supervised day to day work The assembly was all male citizens 30+, they became a true legislature, debated merits of laws and voted on them.
Democracy in Greece
Age of Pericles Direct participation in gov’t by citizens (today we are more indirect). People were paid to be a part of of the assembly, allowing the poor to serve Stressed not only the rights, but duties of citizens. Peloponnesian War (Sparta vs Athens) ends Athenian political influence, decline of democracy
Philosophers Socrates –Wrote no books –Encouraged people to examine their beliefs –Used questions to promote thinking- Socratic Method –Sentenced to death, refused to flee believing that the duty of the individual was to the laws of the state
Plato –Set up Academy, a center of learning for 900 years –Believed that reasoning led to knowledge –Rejected democracy because it had condemned Socrates –Wrote the Republic, said state should organize everything –Society should be divided into workers, soldiers, and philosopher-kings –Women should be a part of the government
Aristotle –Favored rule by a group from the middle class –Golden Mean- middle ground, avoid extremes= good conduct –Reason helps learning –Built the Lyceum where people studied works on politics, ethics, logic, biology, literature, physics, etc (many of the works written by Aristotle) –Becomes basis for first universities in Europe
“School of Athens”- Plato and Aristotle central figures