What projects for learning languages How to set up a project in a french school
Ministry of education imposes targets Know at least 2 foreign languages Understanding Interaction
At the primary school (6-11 years) Early foreign language learning increases
At 13 years old in early secondary school A second language
At the end of early secondary school At 15 years old children must be able to interact in these languages.
Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
The Likès offers choices From secondary school entry up to baccalaureate Chinese-English English-German English- Spanish English-Breton
European classes We propose learning a non-linguistic subject in English : History and geography Bac with national European mention
Travels, trades, twinnings The European Elos network Management invites interested teachers to commit themselves to projects Teachers use their network of relationships Everything depends on the dynamism of teachers
Le Likès is currently setting up a coordination group for the opening to international programs and languages This team will propose new projects