Development Of Undergraduate Health Economic Teaching Resources Emma Frew, Billingsley Kaambwa, Stirling Bryan Department of Health Economics University of Birmingham HESG January 2008
Objectives Overall, develop undergraduate teaching resources that would be available via the Health Economics Network website. 1. Review all undergraduate teaching in Economics Departments across the UK. 2. Conduct face-to-face interviews with heads of Economics Departments. 3. Do a similar exercise within Medical Schools.
Review of Economics Departments (so far…) Reviewed websites of 18 Universities and found 6 to be actively teaching health economics either as stand-alone course or as module within a course.
Review of Economics Department (so far…) Teaching York University City University University of East Anglia Nottingham University Queen Mary (London) University of Sheffield Not Teaching University of Sussex University College London University of Bristol Aston University University of Bath Bournemouth University University of Dundee University of Durham University of Kent Kingston University (London) University of Portsmouth University of Reading
And Birmingham… Face-to-face interview with Head of Economics Department within University of Birmingham and found the following…
Attitudes towards Health Economics Keen to have health economics as part of undergraduate course. Reservations: Examination Softer subject (compared to Trade, Finance, International) Maths/Algebra versus Diagrams Staff Profiles 2 nd or 3 rd year subject On-line resources
At the end of this process, be able to… Understand the barriers to teaching health economics at undergraduate level. Help us to more appropriately design teaching resources/support that will encourage health economics teaching at the undergraduate level.