E-LEARNING EXPERIENCE PW n E-LEARNING EXPERIENCE PW n.3 Accessibility checklists (How to check if a CV is accessible to All) Author: Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia Place and date: Ljubljana 05/11/2013 Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
LIST OF CONTENTS FOR E-LEARNING ACCESSIBILITY CHECKLIST Learning lesson 1 UNDERSTANDING ACCESSIBILITY AND CULTURAL VALUE Figure 1 Figure 2 Presented with: text, photos, sketches, symbols, links to further readings, Did you know? sentences, good practices, short you tube films, questions for participants. Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
Learning lesson 2 Theme A – BARRIERS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Theme B – ACCESSIBILITY CHECKLIST Tactile surface application Figure 3 Presented with: text, photos, lots of sketches, symbols, links to international standard, call outs, questions for participants. Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
STEP BY STEP GUIDE WITH FIELD WORK Learning lesson 3 STEP BY STEP GUIDE WITH FIELD WORK Figure 5 Presented with: text, photos, links to further readings, checklist in table, questions for participants. Figure 4 Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
E-LEARNING CONTENTS AND E-LEARNING PREPARED IT-PLATFORM What we have noticed E-learning is a good practice to spread a knowledge around many people or to get a knowledge very easily. Participants of e-learning Accessibility checklist find contents very interesting and applicable in there countries ( the contents include international standards). Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
Authors of e-learning Accessibility checklist found a platform a little inflexible: - when using graphic material (photos, sketches) instead of text, no possibility to zoom in; - when using questions to be answered by participants, no system to answer. Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
how to enter the platform, Problems For authors and participants were missing some instructions how to use e-learning platform before using it: how to enter the platform, authors found out that participants didn’t use any tool, like a message, forum... They just comment under individual slide. Exercises for participants were structured like questions. Participants didn’t know how to answer question. Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
ON-LINE CONFERENCE The Accessibility checklist on-line conference was moderated by Nina Goršič (Architect) and Boštjan Kerbler (Ph. D. Geography) from Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. Around 8 participants log in the system (some participants we know have a problem to log in). Debate was very interesting for authors of the content of the e-learning as well as for participants, we could debate how is the situation in different cities, countries. Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
Participantes find a material in e-larning Accessibility Checklist comprehensive, well structured and useful for them, especially a checklist. Problems Some participants, we know, had a problem to log in, they couldn’t reach a debate. For moderators it would be good to know not only names of participantes but also their profession to be able to lead a more constructive debate. Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
List of figures: Figure 1 www.triposo.com/loc/Slovenia/all , launched on May 2013 Figure 2 www.metmuseum.org/events/programs/programs-for-visitors-with-disabilities/visitors-who-are-blind-or-partially-sighted , launched on May 2013 Figure 3 photo: Nina Goršič, Sabina Mujkić, Matej Nikšič, Biba Tominc; Urban Planning Institute RS Figure 4 Accessibility Checklist; Urban Planning Institute RS Figure 5 photo: Nina Goršič, Sabina Mujkić, Matej Nikšič, Biba Tominc; Urban Planning Institute RS Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd
Thank you Prepared by: Nina Goršič, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia Ida Bibič, Municipality of Kranj Project partner: PP8 - MUNICIPALITY OF KRANJ dadasdasd