Brussels, 22 April nd Steering Committee Local Information Campaign: The state of the art Marco Caponigro CYBER Display PROJECT PART-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION
Brussels, 22 April 2009 Presentation of Salerno Cyber project in Salerno: activities done work in progress Final comments Contents
Brussels, 22 April 2009 Environment Wide wast management actions Recovering urban space New urban regulation (indications also in energy field) Energy Heating plant control: Campaign to verify heating plant and to improve the energy performance of the boilers Distribution of low consumption energy lighting Substitution of the diesel fuel building plant with methane plant Setting up one-stop-shop for the energy issues (RES and EE in particular) Training course on energy efficiency and solar plant Solar plant investments (actually feasibility study and preliminary project ready). Salerno and environment: “a new spring”
Brussels, 22 April 2009 CYBER project in Salerno Ex ante Evaluation MonitoringEducationDISPLAY Raising awareness Ex post evaluation Interviews Consumption analysis Seminars School programme POSTER Energy Display Day Interviews Promotion, Comparison of the models, Project management
Brussels, 22 April 2009 CYBER project in Salerno Ex ante Evaluation MonitoringEducationDISPLAY Raising awareness Ex post evaluation Interviews Consumption analysis Seminars School programme POSTER Energy Display Day Interviews
Brussels, 22 April 2009 CYBER project in Salerno Ex ante Evaluation MonitoringEducationDISPLAY Raising awareness Ex post evaluation Interviews Activities done translation the questionary identification of the procedures (sample, paper, loading) stratification Work in progress sample dimension (May 09) Starting interviews (May 09) Loading data (Jun – Sep 09) Definition of cross interviews (Jun 09) Starting cross interviews (May - Sep 09)
Brussels, 22 April 2009 CYBER project in Salerno Ex ante Evaluation MonitoringEducationDISPLAY Raising awareness Ex post evaluation Poster Activities done meeting with local institutions collection of data loading data (49 school + 4 sport) stratification Work in progress printing and delivering (May 09) setting up data for 7 sport structures (June – July 09) going on collection & loading (July 09 – Dec10) Monitoring
Brussels, 22 April 2009 CYBER project in Salerno Ex ante Evaluation MonitoringEducationDISPLAY Raising awareness Ex post evaluation Seminars / School programme Activities done involvement of the personnel of the school & environmental institutions contact with local environment associations Work in progress Operative meeting with schools (Jun 09) drafting a first proposal of school programme (Jun 09) final programme (Sep 09) Contents of the Seminars for sport target (Sep 09)
Brussels, 22 April 2009 CYBER project in Salerno Ex ante Evaluation MonitoringEducationDISPLAY Raising awareness Ex post evaluation Energy Display Day Activities done definition of a common calendar with local institutions Organization of the agenda for the next Energy Day ( target: school) Work in progress Definition and printing materials to be delivered Definition of contents of next Energy Day ( targets: sport and school) To create synergies between 3 stakeholders and local departments
Brussels, 22 April 2009 Targets Primary school (direct target) Sport association (direct target) energy organization (indirect target) religious (?) - (direct target) public administration (indirect target) CYBER Project in Salerno
Brussels, 22 April 2009 Other activities in progress Comparison of the regulation: 3 models Docet, Sacert, Casaclima with Display on 1 school and 1 sport structure promotion of the DISPLAY campaign as a model on the local territory (contact with other 4 smaller Municipality of the Urban area of Salerno: Vietri, Giffoni, Cava, Pagani) CYBER Project In Salerno
Brussels, 22 April 2009Finalcomments Low experience in information campaign by all Local departments Low experience in information campaign by all Local departments Difficult to cooperate among all the stakeholders and the same organizations Difficult to cooperate among all the stakeholders and the same organizations Low interest for something that is under imposition Low interest for something that is under imposition A not clear and completed legislative framework A not clear and completed legislative framework
Brussels, 22 April 2009 …Thank you Comune di Salerno Salerno Energia Tel: CYBER Display