A Programme to Improve Access and Quality in Basic Education Services “Go to School!” A Programme to Improve Access and Quality in Basic Education Services
Five main aims: Increase enrolment and retention in formal or non-formal schools and to increase transition to upper primary classes/secondary Increase demand for higher quality basic education To ‘build back better’ and to support delivery of community-driven and coordinated education services To improve the credibility of primary education To enhance capacity of the MoE for planning, management of resources and monitoring of school outcomes
Five specific objectives Increase enrolment - to pre flood levels/by 10% in other areas. Special emphasis will be on enrolment of girls in Mogadishu. Improved teaching quality - teachers use simple, learner-centred teaching strategies; textbooks and basic learning materials available to all children; teaching activities focusing on health and hygiene and safety Improved education administration and management – to collect and use basic school level data, to plan, and to mobilise communities Decreased gender gap in access and enrolment by 10% Establish minimum standards for schools
Five core areas Establishing safe and child-friendly learning spaces/schools staffed with adequate teachers Sustaining and increasing demand for education Promoting inclusive schools and healthy learners Improving learning processes and outcomes Building the education management and administrative system at the central, school and district levels
Area 1: Establishing safe and child-friendly learning spaces/schools staffed with adequate teachers Provision of learning spaces equipped to basic operational level/minimum standards (including Qur’anic and NFE schools) Funding to MoE for incentives (possibly teacher salaries) Technical assistance for school design Recruitment and training of additional/’para’ teachers
Area 2: Sustaining and increasing demand for education ‘Go to school’ campaign aimed at raising the value of education, increasing and sustaining enrolment Targeted support to very vulnerable children Expansion of integrated Qur’anic schools and development of nomadic education Capacity development of CEC’s to enroll and monitor retention of school-age children Provision of incentives programme to promote enrollment and retention (including school feeding in designated locations/for vulnerable children)
Area 3: Promoting inclusive schools and healthy learners A school feeding and/or enrolment incentives programme in coordination with WFP Provision of adequate water and sanitation facilities in schools linked to a hygiene education program for teachers, students and CECs Provision of teacher training and support for inclusion of children with special needs
Area 4: Improving learning processes and outcomes Revision of teacher education curriculum and institutional capacity development (SCOTT) Revision of in-service teacher-training programs to support use of improved teaching methods and effective use of multi-grade teaching Development of specialised teacher training for Qur’anic teachers. Strengthening of the teacher mentoring programme Development of teacher guides, tools and teaching-learning materials needed to support more active learning, especially in multi-grade settings
Area 5: Building the education management and administrative system at the central, school and district levels Provision of technical assistance for school mapping, collection and utilization of sex-disaggregated data collection, EMIS Capacity development in education administration processes and practices (with UNDP) Provision of embedded technical assistance and support for improved management, planning, monitoring and supervision in MoE Support to infrastructure development (vehicles, equipment, offices)
CSZ…in six months… Intended result : Increased primary school enrolment 35,000 children 75 schools 500 teachers
CSZ…in 6 months… Area 1: Rehabilitation/expansion of 5 key primary schools in Mogadishu including provision of WES facilities, basic school furniture, educational materials and water /sanitation; Support for 20 community–constructed schools; Provision of 200 tents, furniture and basic education supplies to a further 50 schools in flood-affected areas
…in CSZ…in six months… Area 2: Area 3: Develop and initiate ‘Go to School!’ campaign; Network and partnership-building with national and international partners; Capacity-building of 30 CECs, plus Region and District education boards Training of 300 teachers Undertake research on Qur’anic schools Area 3: Provision of incentives (including school feeding); school WES, health and hygiene education
…in CSZ…in six months… Area 4: Area 5: Teacher training to support enrolment campaign (including health and hygiene education); Area 5: Capacity needs assessment of MoE undertaken and TA identified. Technical assistance and staffing support/training to support increased MoE planning capacity (including PSS and School Mapping); Basic training and supplies/equipment for EMIS;
Issues and questions Are the focus area/activities relevant? Is the focus practical and with visible outcomes? Are targets realistic? What is missing? Convergence with Health, WES, CPP? Do we have the capacity? Do we need a specific district focus? NFE?