Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK1 VET in GREECE Presentation of O.E.E.K. Project DIAPLUS Emily LYMPERAKI Direction of European and International Relations Coordinator of European Programs Cyprus 15/04/2005
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK2 THE GREEK EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Lykeio C’ Lykeio Β’ Lykeio Α’ High School (Gymnasium) Technical- Educational Schools B’ cycle Technical- Educational Schools A’ cycle Technical- Educational Schools A’ cycle Level Ι Level IΙ Level ΙΙΙ Level ΙΙΙ+ Τ.Ε.Ι. Conventional Selection Courses Α.Ε.Ι. Conventional Selection Courses Open ΙΕΚ 1 ΙΕΚ 3+ Level IV Level V Primary School Nursery School Ages Compulsory Education ΕU Council’s Decision 16/7/85 concerning the equivalence of national vocational taining titles (85/368/ΕEC) LABOURMARKETLABOURMARKET
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK3 National System linking Vocational Education and Training with Employment System for the research of Labour Market Needs System of Technical Vocational Education System of Initial Vocational Training System of Continuous Vocational Training System for the Certification of Vocational Training and Qualifications System of Counseling - Guidance and for the linking with the Labour Market
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK4 O.E.E.K. Within the framework of the National Vocational Education and Training System, the Organisation for Vocational Education and Training has been established, which is an autonomous legal entity. It provides formal vocational education and training and has the overall responsibility for the Vocational Training Institutes which have been operating in our country since 1992.
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK5 ΟΕΕΚ - Social Partners Social Partners play an active role at all levels: Governing Board, Regional Tripartite Advisory Committees (sensing and monitoring labour market)
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK6 A. ΟΕΕΚ - Strategic character Certification Body Professional rights European perspective National Europass Center National Reference Point Greek REFERNET Greek Label Point CEDEFOP Study Visits LdV pilot projects (10) EQUAL initiative (5)
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK7 B. ΟΕΕΚ - Application of training courses IEK - Institutes for Vocational Training Aim at providing initial vocational training Function mainly in the post secondary level of education
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK8 IΕΚ ΙΕΚ 3+ ΙΕΚ 1 A’ Semester B’ Semester C’ Semester D’ Semester B’ Semester A’ Semester
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK9 I.Ε.Κ. (2005)
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK10 I.E.K Trainees (2005) Public Private
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK11 Evolution of the no. of Public I.E.K. for the Period
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK12 Training courses 14 Sectors – 160 Courses Informatics Finance and Administration Transport and Tourism Geotechnical Electronics and Automation Mechanics Applied Chemistry and Materials
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK13 Sectors Electrical Construction Works Applied Arts Health and Social Services Environment Communications and Mass Media Clothing and Footwear Sports Applied Arts
Emily LYMPERAKI, OEEK14 European Projects O.E.E.K. gives a lot of emphasis, apart from all the other actions of training and certification of diplomas, to the procedures of mobility and exchange programs in the field of Leonardo da Vinci. It finances approximately 25% of its own budget for the elaboration and realization of these projects. The main disadvantage, as a national organization, is the bureaucracy of all procedures. Every year about 60 programs are submitted by the I.E.K. (Institutes of Professional Training) to the National Organization of Coordination of L.d.V. and a maximum of 80% of them are approved. Cyprus constitutes a usual destination of the I.E.K.’s mobility and exchange programs. The main partnership is particularly with Philips and Frederic College. Apart from all these projects of mobility, pilot programs play also an essential role for both O.E.E.K. and its Institutes. At this moment, are running a lot of pilot programs in the field of L.d.V, Equal etc.