Gap Analysis Where are my students? Work Samples NAPLAN
Syllabus Outcomes and Content Where do I want my students to be? Cross reference your gap analysis with relevant syllabus documentation.
Concepts The concepts are drawn from syllabus outcomes and content. The concepts are the basis of the enduring understandings or ‘big ideas’ of the teaching and learning sequence.
Intellectual Quality What are the important understandings that we want students to ‘get inside of’ and retain after they’ve forgotten many of the details?
Knowledge is deep when it concerns the central ideas or concepts of a topic or subject and when the knowledge is judged to be crucial to the topic or subject. Quality Teaching in Public Schools: An assessment practice guide. P
Students will know that... Superficial knowledgeDeep knowledge I want students to know that: 1. A narrative text starts with an orientation, followed by a complication and ends with a resolution and optional coda. 2. A narrative text must have paragraphs and descriptive language. I want students to know that: 1.A compelling, well structured story engages the reader and invites him/her to think about the events and how the story might relate to their own life. 2. Composers make deliberate language choices to develop characters, plot and setting to position their audience. Superficial knowledgeDeep knowledge I want my students to know that: 1. a narrative text starts with an orientation, followed by a complication and ends with a resolution and optional coda. 2. a narrative text must have paragraphs and descriptive language. I want my students to know that: 1.a compelling, well structured story engages the reader and invites him/her to think about the events and how the story might relate to their own life. 1. composers make deliberate language choices to develop characters, plot and setting to position their audience.
Students will know that... Superficial knowledgeDeep knowledge I want students to know that: 1. they will make a dustpan and pencil case. I want students to know that: 1. they can explore, evaluate and select appropriate design, processes and solutions to respond to needs and opportunities. 1. they need to choose the correct form of “you” “tu,” (informal )or “vous”, (formal) in French. 1.cultural context has an important impact on language choices.
Superficial knowledgeDeep knowledge I want students to know that: 1.they need to colour in the locations of McDonald’s around the world on their maps./ 2. they need to define globalisation I want students to know that: 1. aspects of globalisation have brought about increasing inequalities around the world. 1. spreadsheets can convert tables of data into charts. is about frequency and distribution. 2.graphical information can be manipulated to position the audience. 1. they need to list and remember the human body systems 1. living things contain systems consisting of cells that interact with each other. 2. cells require these systems to work together in order to survive and reproduce.
Key Question Questions developed around the ‘big idea’ form a spring-board for differentiation.
Planned Assessment How will students demonstrate their learning? Develop assessment criteria How well do we expect students to demonstrate their learning? Level assessment criteria
Core Knowledge and Skills Unpack the assessment task. What are the knowledge and skills that students will need to get an ‘A’?
Deep understanding 22 To what extent do the students demonstrate profound and meaningful understanding? Self and peer editing
Assessment Marking Guidelines
Program Layout
Learning Experiences Now it is time to go ahead and plan your learning experiences. Developing a ‘components’ overview will help with this. The components overview lists the skills and knowledge that you will teach and the order in which you will teach them.
Program Components
Learning Experiences