UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK B.ED. 4 YEAR ELEMENTARY DEGREE Curriculum / Administration Leadership Block ED: 3033; ED: 4164; ED: 5031
INSTRUCTOR Anne Marie Levi Contact Information: phone – cell nbnet. nb. nbnet. nb. ca
CLASS TIMES 5:00 – 9:00 Saturday assignments will be given Class Cancellations: if there is school cancellation due to storms or unforeseen circumstances, then you are excused
DESCRIPTION This course focuses on a teacher ’ s responsibility to create effective classroom management strategies and culturally appropriate pedagogy for First Nations students by
Discussing historical and theoretical frameworks concerning issues affecting First Nations education Understanding the various social and economical factors that impact the education of First Nations students and classroom management Understanding the development of First Nations education and the implications for First Nations students Understanding “differentiation” when teaching First Nations students Utilizing teaching strategies that enhance learning for First Nations students
An overview of the history of First Nations people in Canada History and Issues of First Nations education Education Reports / studies and their influence on First Nations education Characteristics of teachers of First Nations students Differentiation Teaching First Nations students
Reference First Nation Journal Articles found at then proceed to the library section to find your articles. Curriculum Documents: Department of Education
1.JOURNAL ARTICAL You are required to review two journal articles. Select an article that covers any topic pertaining to First Nation Education, once you have selected an article let me know the title of the article before you start.
The following format is required for the review: a) Two pages in length NO MORE b) Include the data( as cited below in the example) at the top of your page: author, year, title, journal ’ s title (underline the name of the journal) volume, number, and pages. c) The original article has to be submitted with your brief review. d) First part: objective – what did the author say in his/her article?
Second part: subjective – what meaning did the article have for you and do you agree or disagree with the author (s) and why?
For Example Fuzessy, C. (2003). An investigation of teachers ’ role definitions in Nunavik. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 27 (2), WORTH 2 x 5% = 10% Due Date Feburary 2, 2011
2. “ The Animal School ” Read and provide feedback, no more then one page. What is the message? Think of what is happening in your school and to the students; how can we change to meet our student ’ s needs or do you think we need a change?
Worth5% Due DateFebruary 23, 2011
3. Philosophy of Education To be the best teacher that you can be it is important to evaluate and re – state your ideas of what teaching and education mean to you. A teacher needs to have a strong sense of personal identity and values in order to be a positive role model for students. In no more than two pages, write your educational philosophy. Think deeply, be honest and remain focused when stating your beliefs. There are no wrong answers, but a focused statement will help clarify your teaching purposes and practices.
WORTH 5% Due Date March 9, 2011
4. UNIT PLAN Group Assignment of no more then three in a group There are two parts to this following assignment:
Part 1 Develop a unit plan (six lessons) based on any topic taught in Primary school (Jr.K – Grade 2). Review the Provincial Curriculum ’ s learning outcomes that are stated relevant to your unit. The resources and pedagogy of your unit plan must be culturally appropriate for First Nations students.
Your UNIT PLAN should include: - Unit theme - Web - Six lessons plans; objective/outcome; grade level; assessment/evaluation; teaching strategies; list of resources and activities
Part 2 Class presentation, these will be done during the last four classes, and will be no longer than 30 minutes. You will present your unit plan. WORTH 40% Due Date.after your presentation
5. EVALUATION OF EDUCATION IN COMMUNITY By answering the following questions, you will evaluate the Education system for your own community. Our communities have provided education to our people since the acceptance of the 1972 Indian Control of Education documents. The overall question is, has your community provided the education that is outlined in the 1972 Indian Control of Education or has it only copied the Provincial ?
Questions 1. What is the teaching like in our school? 2. Does it meet the academic needs of our students? 3. Where do we want our students learning to improve? 4. How will we get the teaching and learning to be what we want it to be? 5. How will we know when that the changes are adequate?
When answering the questions consider the quality of education your school provides, what role does your culture, language, history, and your values have in developing or using the curriculum in your school? Are elders included? What kind of role do your parents have in making decisions within the school? What role do the students have in the development of the school? If you do not have a school in your community, does the school where your students attend have a welcoming environment for your children? Is there a sense of belonging and being part of the school?
Include anything that you feel is important in order to do an honest evaluation. Remember that if we are honest, only then can we improve the quality of education we deliver to our students.
Length: 8 to 10 pages WORTH 15% Due Date March 30, 2011
6. Class Assignment These will be posted the day of class to be used as Saturday’s class assignments. Worth……………………………..35% Due Date……….will be posted with assignment
Topics to Be Covered January 19, Introduction Course outline January 26, General Over view Historical Overview What is First Nation Education? January 29 Saturday On –line assignment February 2 Stage of Growth of First Nations Education *Journal Article Due Assignments /Presentations February 9 Tradition Education Residential School
February 12Saturday On-line assignment Feburary 16 Communities Role in Education Unit Plan Assignment / discussion Philosophy of Education Feburary 23 Elders / Parents Role Language (First Nation Immersion program) Class Work Animal School Assignment Due March 9 Curriculum Philosophy of Education Due
March 16 Role of the Provincial School System Provincial Agreements (i.e. Tuition Agreement) Group Assignment March 23 Integration How to create a lesson plan How to create a unit plan
March 30 First Nation School System Role of Teacher Community Evaluation Due April 6 Student Identity (self-esteem / bi-cultural) April 9 Saturday Group Work April 13 What is differentiation? Accommodating curriculum and students
April 20 Know your students April 27 Classroom Management April 30 Saturday Case studies of classroom problem situation May 4, 11, 18, Group Presentations
PROPOSED (4 Yr Elem) for Aboriginal Students Off Campus Version Literacy Education Block12 ch ED5300 Mathematics Education Block *12 ch ED5940 Science Education Block *9 ch ED5960 Social Studies Education9 ch ED3621, 3641, + 3ch Aesthetics Education *9 ch ED3211, 3241, 3475 (art/music/Phys. Ed)
Special Education Block6 ch E5980 ED5011 Preparing for PLA3 ch ED5164 Learning with Technology3 ch Core Studies. Electives, PLA48 ch ED4000 Student Teaching Intership18 ch TOTAL CREDIT HOURS138 CH
1.What were the aspects that you liked the best about the 1 st year of the B.Ed program? 2.What were the aspects that you liked the least about the 1 st year of the B.Ed program? 3.What aspects would you change about the 1 st year of the B.Ed program?
4.Explain how the course material and method of delivery are challenging for you. 5.What is your expectation from this program? 6.Additional comments
HOMEWORK Reading Assignment for January 26 Go to: Read the article and bring a copy to class
ANY QUESTIONS I am available any time of day and night. Remember Have Fun!