UCSF University California San Francisco Contact information 1600 Holloway Ave San Francisco, CA 94132General information (415) 338-1111
UCSF School -University of California, San Francisco Term -Quarter Type of School -Graduate Health Science School Colors -UCSF Teal / UC Blue & Gold Mascot -Bear Sports Programs -None
CAMPUS The campus is located in a neighborhood above golden gate park
Student profile Most of the students at UCSF are females 23.77% of the students are men and 76.23% are women 93.44% of the students are united states citizens 6.56% are not united states citizens The age average is 25 but the age range is any where from 21 to 44 Most of the students are Asian
Degrees and Majors .82% come in with Associates degrees 96.72% come in with Bachelors degrees 2.46% come in with Graduate degrees The TOP 2 MAJORS are BIOLOGY and BIOCHEMISTRY Other majors: accounting, anthropology, architecture, art history, biotechnology, business, English, environmental studies, law, literature, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, sociology, and theatre/cinema
GPA averages Low Average High Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): 2.92, 3.63, 3.98 Pre-pharmacy GPA: 2.61, 3.56, 4.00 Quarter Overall Units: 145.95, 204.20, 367.17
Campus housing Unfurnished If you Have a Housing Agreement holder of a 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartment, the other people/ roommates do not need to be UCSF affiliates or associated Living with parents University housing Off campus Resident fees* $8,062 Room and board $4,120 $10,820 $9,657 Books and supplies $1,523 Transportation $1,889 $1,056 $2,062 Personal expenses $1,803 $1,483 $1,640 Health insurance fee/ allowance $942 Basic budget totals $18,339 $23,886
MASCOT The mascot is a golden bear `
Student population As of 2007 there are 30,125 students