Bahrain Teachers College (BTC) Mission: To provide the best teacher education services for Bahraini educators, empowering them to effectively contribute to building a better future for all Bahrainis.
BTC Programs & Services Quality Assurance and Strategic Planning B.Ed. Cycle 1 Generalist Student Academic & Extended Services Learning and Information Management PGDE Chemistry Education PGDE Mathematics Ed. PGDE English Education PGDE Physics Education PGDE Biology Education PGDE Islamic Education PGDE Arabic Education 60+ Professional Development Modules x 2ch PGDE Business Education ITE Programs Student SupportScholarship ITE Programs Student SupportScholarship PGDE ICT Education B.Ed Cycle 2 Arabic & Islamic B.Ed. Cycle 2 Math and Sci. B.Ed. Cycle 2 English language Scholarship Books610 Chapters54 E Journals04 Proceedings01 Journals16 Conferences1239 Grant Proposals 015 BD28K Curriculum Books Hosted Gulf Comp Educ. Symposium March 2012 Certificate in Education Leadership Middle & Secondary School Primary School Adv. Diploma in Education Leadership Diploma in Education Leadership Education Leadership Programs Pre College Foundation
BTC Students Programs Projections Graduated Graduated BEd Foundation (87.9%)91 (86.5%) Bachelor of Education (87.3%)140 (89.2%) * Bachelor of Education * Bachelor of Education * Bachelor of Education * PGDE 00023*33*50* ITE (Total) PGDE MOE Teachers *82*46*45* ELP (Adv. Dip.) *38*54*60* ELP (Dip.) ELP (Cert.) Post Graduate CPD (Total) *120*100*105* Cadre PD (Total) Total Registered Students
BTC Faculty and Staff Lect Assist Prof Assoc Prof Profs % Faculty with doctorate % Research Active (grants) Bahraini %11% (2) Regional %36% (7) Others %31% (4) Total %26% Faculty Bahrainization34% Administration Bahrainization76% Total Bahrainization50%
Teaching Practice Report for the first & second semester 2012/2013 SemesterBE.d TP Schools Cooperative Teachers TP Students No. of Visits * FirstThird Second School Attachment * First Second Fourth Total * No. of visits = B.Ed = 2 visits B.Ed 4 = 4 visits * School Attachment = 10 days for B.Ed 1 only
Learning and Information Management Library Books1726 EJnls1597 E-Books2448 Jnls36 Titles9587 Faculty Usage 22* Student Usage 1004** Library Talks 27 * number of faculty who regularly use the library ** number of students who regularly use the library Blended Courses Fnd. 111 BEd 1988 PGDE 011 Faculty Moodle Wshops 68 Students Moodle Wshops 815 Trained faculty 1041 Trained Students Moodle activity: faculty 947 Moodle activity: students Blackboard activity - faculty 3 2 Blackboard activity - students60 40
BTC Organisational Structure Academic Program Management Academic Groups Management Support Academic Services Support Administrative Services Dean العميد BTC Governing Council مجلس إدارة كلية البحرين للمعلمين University of Bahrain جامعة البحرين Ministry of Education وزارة التربية والتعليم Director Corporate & Finance مدير الشؤون الإدارية والمالية Human Resources Head رئيس شعبة الموارد البشرية Finance Head رئيس شعبة المالية Marketing and PR Head رئيس شعبة التسويق والعلاقات العامة Assets & General Admin Head رئيس شعبة الموجودات والخدمات العامة Director Student & Academic Services مدير الخدمات الأكاديمية والطلابية Head of Initial Teacher Education رئيس قسم برامج إعداد المعلمين Foundation Program Coordinator منسق البرنامج التمهيدي B.Ed. Programs Coordinator منسق برامج بكالوريوس التربية PGDE Program Coordinator منسق برامج الدبلوم العالي في التربية Head of Professional Development رئيس قسم التطوير المهني والقيادة التربوية Program coordinator Professional Development منسق برامج التطوير المهني Program coordinator Educational Leadership منسق برامج القيادة التربوية Head of Postgraduate studies & Research رئيس قسم الدراسات العليا والبحوث Coordinator Postgraduate Studies Programmes منسق برامج الدراسات العليا Coordinator of Research & Partnerships منسق البحوث والتعاون الخارجي Student Info. Section Head رئيس شعبة المعلومات والسجلات الطلابية Extended Services Section Head رئيس شعبة الخدمات الطلابية Academic Advising & Counseling Section Head رئيس شعبة الإرشاد Associate Dean Programs العميد المشارك للبرامج Associate Dean Academic Affairs العميد المشارك للشؤون الأكاديمية Academic Head Arabic & Islamic Studies رئيس قسم اللغة العربية والدراسات الإسلامية Academic Head English Language رئيس قسم اللغة الإنجليزية Academic Head Education Studies رئيس قسم الدراسات التربوية Academic Head Mathematics & Science رئيس قسم الرياضيات والعلوم Head of QA and Strategic Planning رئيس ضمان الجودة والتخطيط الاستراتيجي Director Learning & Info Mngmt. مدير مصادر التعلم وتقنية المعلومات Library Section Head رئيس شعبة المكتبة E-Learning Learning Section Head رئيس شعبة التعلم الالكتروني Curriculum Resources Section Head رئيس شعبة مصادر التعلم Centre for Scholarship of Teaching & Learning مركز دراسات التعليم والتعلم Program Management إدارة البرامج Academic Groups الأقسام الأكاديمية Corporate Services الخدمات الإدارية Information Technology Head رئيس شعبة تقنية المعلومات Director Teaching Practice مديرالتربية العملية Academic Head Curriculum Studies رئيس قسم الرياضيات والعلوم