SKILLS & TACTICS FOR A2 ECONOMICS brian ellis brian ellis
KNOWLEDGE NOT memorising NOT memorising Understanding Understanding Ability to use Ability to use Eg Supply & Demand go beyond laws
APPLICATION Which concepts/theories can help in the context? Which concepts/theories can help in the context? Are there clues in the evidence? Are there clues in the evidence?
ANALYSIS Logical explanation Logical explanation Building step by step Building step by step NOT asserting NOT asserting Beware overstating Beware overstating Take care with links Take care with links
EVALUATION Weigh evidence, employing the other skills Reach a judgement Reach a judgement Your answer matters less than your approach Your answer matters less than your approach
AS / A2 contrast More analysis and evaluation at A2 More analysis and evaluation at A2 Synoptic papers draw on ideas from across the course Synoptic papers draw on ideas from across the course
Evaluation commands Assess, evaluate, to what extent, justify & critically examine all call for judgement Some examiners are fond of discuss Balance is one key to evaluation Balance is one key to evaluation
Evaluation process Use three steps to evaluate: 1. Identify & explain strengths/ positive points [perhaps 3?]. 2. Identify & explain weaknesses/costs/ risks [perhaps 3?]. 3. Conclude with your judgement and justification for it.
Exam room tactics Know the minutes/marks ratio before you go in, work out time checkpoints. Deep breath, think & jot before writing. Where you choose questions, look first at high mark sections. Focus on command words, read full question VERY carefully. Include key question words in conclusion.
Time Management Dont race but watch marks/minutes. Mark allocations indicate time to spend. Later sections carry more marks. Later sections carry more marks.
Tactics 2 It is OK to leave gaps [and maybe return] if time or inspiration is short. If a calculation looks wrong, say so – there are marks for comments. There can be marks for the formula & workings too. If a question seems ambiguous, explain your interpretation.
Use of English Link words are crucial [eg if, therefore, because]. Dont overstate [eg will or could?] or predict the end of civilisation. Write in sentences, not rough notes or bullet points. Subject jargon terms are good if used accurately.
Stay Positive Perfection is not required, we all make mistakes. Around 2/3 marks earn grade A, half marks mean a pass. The cumulative system brings in UMS points from AS. Its difficult to fail unless you panic, give up, fall asleep or fail to turn up.
Sample question background EU aid per sub-Saharan African = $8 p.a. EU farm subsidy per European cow = $913 p.a.
Sample question 1 Q1 is a straightforward knowledge test Seen as too simple for A2 by some. Selling at below average cost is central to a sound answer
Sample question 2 Some danger in mixing cultural and political angles with economics Examine so analysis, possibly element of evaluation Poor factor mobility / strategic arguments would be routes to respectable answers
Sample question 3 Factor endowments [land, labour, little capital] and opportunity cost/comparative advantage likely to be in better answers Use of concepts and logical development are advisable
Sample question 4 Positive points Positive points Route to sustainable development Aid better at crisis relief than growth FDI and example of Pacific rim sequence Negative points Negative points Poor performance of primary exports Extra issues inhibit progress in Africa Aid can prolong lives
Sample question 4 My personal conclusion: Trade has a major role in any long term progress for LEDCs Fairer trade [some progress at WTO] is a precondition for sustained progress Sub-Saharan Africa has special needs
Sub-Saharan progress Life expectancy Living below $1/day Literacy rate / % 46.4% 43.9% 62.2%