Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following: Recall from previous units- what is an Empire? How were Empire’s able to stay successful?
Objective: Students will be able to understand what the Middle Kingdom was and why it was considered “The Golden Age”
Golden Age Infer what it means to be in a golden age. Turn and talk with your neighbors
A Golden Age is a period in which a civilization is at its greatest political, cultural, and economic power. What objects today might suggest we are living in a Golden Age? (Turn and talk)
Answer-Perhaps handheld computers and other technology represent a culture at its height. Throughout this next unit, we will be learning about ancient Egypt at its most powerful point. We will learn about several leaders who caused the growth and decline of the Egyptian empire.
-The leaders during the golden age of Egypt expanded the empire through war and trade. Although Egypt later declined, it greatly influenced other societies. -Middle Kingdom- Period of peace and order that lasted from about 2055 B.C. to 1650 B.C.
Who can recall what tribute is? Egypt’s wealth grew as they began to collect tribute, and they began to make advanced improvements to their society
WAYS EGYPTEXPANDED AND IMPROVED 1.Added thousands of acres to the land to increase crop production 1.More irrigation dams and channels to supply more water to the population 1.Canals between the Nile and Red Sea 1.Art and architecture thrived.
As a class we will read aloud a passage and discuss the following: -What lead to the weakening of the Egyptian Kingdom? -Who were the Hyksos? -What methods of warfare did the Hyksos use?
Independent Practice Answer the following question: How did the Hyksos end up helping the Egyptians?
Group Work Complete the following handout with your table. Use your class notes to discuss possible answers.
Closure Who can summarize todays lesson?
Homework Write a paragraph analyzing how the Egyptians were able to defeat the Hyksos.